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  1. Since I believe that nobody has yet reported whether or not BOS:SR is compatible with K1R, I decided to play through BOS to test compatibility. This test run was done on the 4 CD version of the game, on a Windows 8.1 computer. I have encountered issues before with this computer's graphics card, but I believe that I have sorted out the graphics card-based issues with those caused by other things. As far as mods, K1R version 1.0 got installed first, followed by BOS:SR and the v.1.1 patch. I also installed the following mods in my game (not sure about the order, sorry): -Extreme Conditions Combat Robes: -Duel Room Final: -Proper Manaan Quest Endings: -Lightsaber and Force Forms (originally v. 1.0, but v. 1.1 later installed over it -- I think): -Tomb of Exar Kun (uninstalled before the actual playthrough, but I keep it here in case there could somehow be some effect): -K1 FP Pack by Insidious (can't find a link, sorry) So then, the burning question: are the two mods compatible? Well... There are no gameplay issues or bugs that were not present before -- only problem I encountered was the game crashing when a bunch of Brothers of Shadow exploded into existence , but on a second attempt, that was not an issue. The mod can be fully played through. However, there are a number of graphics issues that can be annoying and, in one case, make things quite frustrating for new players of the mod. These mostly came in the form of appearances being changed, as in one character (usually a character) appearing as a different one. However, since the other appearances seem to all be from BOS:SR, I'm not sure whether the problem was with K1R, another mod (if this is the case, it's probably the duel room), or simply a faulty installation of BOS:SR. I've included a full list of the appearance bugs below under spoiler tags; if you haven't played before and don't want spoilers, than don't look under them. The first spoiler tag contains the one bug that might hamper new players' gameplay, use that one if you're stuck, and it may have the answer. No matter whether these graphics bugs were caused by K1R or some other factor, BOS:SR can definitely be played through with K1R installed, and does not seem to cause any issues with K1R either. Disclaimer: I played through this mod rather hurriedly, so it is possible that I may have missed something.