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  1. Greetings, fellow Jedi! As far as I know, the Star Wars franchise is in loss now. And far as I know too, in economics- to save a company from collapsing, a merger [in this case is the Universe, or could be more specific- storyline merging] is necessary in this kind of situation. So, what do you think if Star Wars Universe merged either with Marvel Universe, DC Universe, or even the Alien Universe Timeline? I'd personally love to see the SWU merged with the Alien Universe Timeline. Maybe, if SW wants to get serious, AUT would be the best choice. Again, only a matter of personal preferences. Feel free to discuss; I'd love to hear what you folks think and have to say on this matter. Or maybe someone can provide me with some references if there are actually this kind of ideas in the Star Wars: Expanded Universe? Many thanks for considering this, and may the Force be with You all!