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  1. For the past few weeks, me, N-DReW25 and Quanon made some progress on the Nar Shaddaa Expansion. However, we face difficulties with scripts and such. So, people that are interested on working on this project and can script and mod KotOR can join our little 'team'. (Me and N-DReW25, and I guess Quanon, though I'm not really sure) Ok, so you'll need to complete a small formular, just so we know if you can join us! EXAMPLE: Online Name: Qyzen_Hunter Modding Category: Story Writer Experience: Moderate Communication Means: Skype, Steam Modding Projects: All Basically, we need to know what modding category you fit in, how experienced you are, how we can contact you, (besides Deadly Stream PMs) and if you're willing to join this modding group for real, or just want to only contribute to the Nar Shaddaa Expansion. Just send this formular to me or N-DReW25, and we'll see if you can join! We currently only develop Nar Shaddaa Expansion, though N-DReW25 uses files and data that we find when working on this mod for his own uses. *cough* I mean, I'm TOTALLY sure that he doesn't have a GenoHaradan Restoration project... Oh, wait, he does? ​*cough* Please, all members that are part of this project should have Skype. If you do not, please install it. If you do not want to use Skype, we can talk on Deadly Stream, though I highly recommand using it.