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About avatarkiwi

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  1. yeah, i've tried it with and without kreia and a number of other different combinations. the door is not opened, but the enclave is rebuilt. i haven't tried the whereaami armband, i will try that next. thanks!
  2. oh haha no i counted vash as one, but yeah she's dead. i wonder why they decided to kill her off =/. but anyway, no all the jedi masters are alive. uggghh i don't know what to do?? even when i'm on dantooine and i talk to kreia, she says "we must head to dantooine!" and i'm like "WE'RE ON DANTOOINE. WE'RE STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE ENCLAVE!!!" at first i thought maybe it was my combination of people? so i kept switching it around and around, sometimes going back alone. i also flew to all the other worlds and then flew back to dantooine, still won't go to the movie.
  3. i don't know if anyone else is having this problem, but i've located all four jedi masters on the four worlds and told them to go to dantooine. kreia has already said "we must go back to dantooine and head for the jedi enclave." and i know that when you reach the enclave again, it's supposed to cut to a movie to show that the enclave is rebuilt and everything. but my game doesn't! i don't get any cinematic cut scene so i'm just stuck in limbo. but the enclave looks all rebuilt. i only have this tslrcm 1.8 installed. help!!!!!