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Desmond last won the day on February 20 2013

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About Desmond

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    Jedi Apprentice

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  1. Hmm.. what level of "character name" crystal can be obtained in TSL without any mods... 6? Or 7?

    1. gua543


      You get it from the cave on Dantooine, but I think you are around levels 10-15 when you leave Telos. I didn't really understood your question but I hope my answer helps.

    2. Desmond


      Players crystal has 45 forms. 8 lvl and 5 types(max dark, dark, neutral, light, max light). When you ask Kreia to upgrade it - you recieve new crystal based on your lvl and alignment. Max 8 lvl crystal palayer teoretically could recieve if ask Kreia about it after 33 lvl. This lvl is unachievable in base game. SO I'm asking - how powerful crystal can be recieved in base game withoit any cheats