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About burrowsv8

  • Rank
    Jedi Apprentice
  1. it has fixed itself, i selected bao dur for the duxn sith tomb, after the onderon siege all party members were unlocked for selection including bao dur.
  2. i was'nt using it at the time, loading an earlier save did'nt seem to make a difference. i have used it recently for changing credits to components, saves me buying medipacs and breaking them down. but thats after the event anyway. MODS: TSLRCM 1.8, cyan lightsaber fix, skip peragus, canon exile head.
  3. The picture of Bao-Dur is shaded grey 'cannot join the party at this time.' This started on Dxun and I thought it was because he was fixing the ship. I'm on Dantooine now and he still can't join. I've been using KSE as a work around for a while hoping it would fix itself and then I thought I wonder if there's a global to fix this?
  4. thanks for the tip, thats a useful one. i ended up temporarily changing the name of the modules folder to get past the slavers with out triggering anything then setting 301nar_Red_Eclipse_At from 1 to 0. good by nar shaddaa!!! and good riddance
  5. I've completed G0-T0's yacht, but I still got a few Red Eclipse slavers outside the Ebon Hawk and nobody is in it. Is there a quick fix in the globals that I can do just so I can get off the planet. I always hated Nar Shaddaa and most of Telos so I'll be very happy to not have to do it again. To progress from the last problem: I changed to v1.8, deleted mods from override folder and used cheat mode to warp to the yacht as suggested in the q&a at the bottom of here TSLRCM 1.8 page on MODDB.com
  6. thank you for your help, I tried to make sure I got 1.8 I will check later when I get home. how can I change to a new version and keep my save game? and I can just delete those extra mods from the overide folder can't i?
  7. O yeah, the above needs a "mods I'm using" list: Canonical Jedi Exile 1.2 - A skin for the Exile Cyan Lightsaber Fix - fixes cyan lightsaber staying on Ebon Hawk Hidden Compartment Fix Hide Weapons In Animations (2.0) - stops people trying to type with stuff in there hands Nihilus-Visas In-Game Cutscene Tweak Remote Tells Influence - doesn't seem to be working Starport Visa Trade Fix [Telos] Escaped Criminals Quest Fix
  8. HELLO MODDING PEOPLE! I was browsing the internet one day and came across TSLRCM and thought wow, i used to play kotor2, i can play again but with more stuff. After a much compatibility issues i got i running. I'm 1st planet in and I've had a wasps nest of trouble. I got the Red Eclipse repeat bug, sorted it out with some Googling and save game editing but never actually got the Visquis message. I've finished the Visquis bit and the droid warehouse bit, I've got out the of the docks and on to the landing pad. My party is Atton, Mira and T3-M4. THE BUGS 1/ Upon confronting some Zhugs, if I'm leading with Atton he will say something like 'I need to get back to the ship and get off this rock' and warp to the other side of center square leaving the rest of the party to die. (What a d****e.) 2/ If I defeat the Zhugs and the Gand, and get Tienn Tubb to change the transponder codes, I choose T3-M4 and Visas as the rescue party. I see the Ebon Hawk and G0-T0's Yacht cut scene and then the Zhugs talking in the bar. The game then auto-saves and I'm outside the Ebon Hawk, with Atton, Mira and T3-M4 with two Red Eclipse slavers down the road. If I go into the Ebon Hawk, I'm just with the party and all the doors are locked (Red Eclipse repeat bug strikes back!)