Endar Spire

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About Endar Spire

  • Rank
    Jedi Apprentice
  • Birthday 05/17/1993

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  1. No Cannoks Alive. Walked everything... They are all dead. Only some corpses.Cant loot them though
  2. I think the Boma one is glitched. The boma and animals corpses are there,dead, but no items. Weird
  3. Missing Cannok? Hi Guys. Long time i dont post here, anyway, im making gameplay videos of kotor 2 and TSLRCM 1.8.2 and M478ep but.... i cant find the missing cannok for the parts required in Dxun. I searched all the map, several times. What should i do? Im re-patching 1.8.2 and searching again but.. i doubt i will find anything.
  4. Yep its all installed 1.0b and the TSL patch.
  5. Gave error when updating and im sure i have the 1.0a and 1.0b already. Well, i guess i will have to re-install everything and lose all save games.
  6. ? What Official patch ? I already have last TSL version.. dont i ?
  7. All the races are like that. It starts at max height. http://www.xfire.com/video/5e54bb Anyway... What should i do ?
  8. Well, i did what you told me and worked. Ty. Anyway, is there anyway to make that last handmaiden give the freaking Holocrons ? And is there anyway to Battle Atris And make her say she loved me?
  9. They don't respond, not at all. Oh well. That sucks, but yeah, it happens. Anyway, i hope that can help you guys in next version
  10. Hi Guys. After the nice conversation with the Atris - which was awesome BTW - I went fight with the Last of the Handmaidens. So i did all the fights, except the last one versus 5, which i kept dying and gave up. Anyway, after that: I went back to the Ebon Hawk and after loading, I got a black screen. I tried changing graphics etc, but nothing. So i hope you can help me. Video 1 : http://www.xfire.com/video/5e4a92 Video 2: http://www.xfire.com/video/5e4c19/
  11. Hi Guys! I have some questions. I had Kotor 2 with the old TSLRCM mod. SO i unninstalled to install the new one. But i dont know how i did to fix the win7 bugs and how i used widescreen. I forgot everything. So Here's what i did until now : Used Revo Unninstaller. Installed kotor 2 Installed sw_pc_english_from200424_to210427 PATCH Installed TSLRCM Mod What should i do now? Please help!! I really want that widescreen stuff again
  12. Hi Guys , is there anyway to play 1.8 version of the mod in full HD ? I have a 21,5'' Monitor LED . And i wished to take full advantage of it. Thanks a lot!