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About 2pro4u

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  • Birthday 07/23/1991

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  1. 2pro4u

    Update on 1.8

    Yep, I was expecting something like that and I am sorry if I missed any post, sign or big blinking countdown banner just in front of my eyes. I know it´s bad excuse, but this forum is huge and I found it just today so I am not as much oriented as I would like to. Nevertheless, from what I have read in this topic, there wasn´t specified any clear date, month or even year of releasing. But I am also pretty sure that I could have easily overlooked that and for that I am sorry. A little help, please? Ye, even if I don´t like it I have to agree. It´s art and that can be hardly planned. I was just curious.. forget it. Thanx for responses and keep up the good work.
  2. 2pro4u

    Update on 1.8

    Hey guys! My apologies for being so impatient.. but I just can´t help myself. Is there any chance 1.8 TSLRCM will be released this holidays? I am afraid this is the only time for me to fulfill my hunger for Kotor. I certainly don´t want to wait another year although when it´s done it´s done and there is not much I or any eager fan can do. Or is it? I don´t think your ego needs any more boosters like how awesome you are and how much respect do we have for your work. But if it helps, please, be my guest - you rock. Now go space yourself and work harder - this schutta can´t wait!