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Files posted by Blue

  1. KotOR Scripting Tool - 2021

    About Kotor Scripting Tool
    Kotor Scripting Tool is my attempt at a scripting interface for nwnnsscomp.exe.
    I originally designed this tool to aid me in my scripting efforts back in the day. My desire was to create a scripting tool with some of the creature comforts that today's coders have come to expect. The core features that were important for me were the ability to have NWScript function name Auto Completion and Syntax Highlighting. If anyone is interested in helping to extend its functionality be sure to check out the link to the GItHub repo below.
    Anyways that's enough rambling for now!
    Happy Modding!
    Features include:
    Compile .nss Scripts
    Syntax highlighting
    AutoComplete Suggestions (Beta)
    Tabbed Text Editor
    Advanced Find & Replace
    Browsable nwscript function list
    Browsable nwscript constants list
    Zip Archive
    Download and extract the zip file. Once extracted navigate to the directory and run Kotor Scripting Tool.exe
    This program was compiled in C# with version 4.0 of the .NET Framework if you do not already have it downloaded you will need to download it [here].
    The source code has been released on my GitHub account


       (6 reviews)

