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About Weiss

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  1. After I've warped, I've not been able to get sound from my game.
  2. Lol, found out what was ultimately leading to problems: not pressing 'enter' when I was done. Thank you for mentioning that in your last explanation; that's all I needed for it to work. Thank you both for the help.
  3. @HH: It is in there. However, it's not the same .ini, per se. When I first tried to alter it, it said I couldn't save it, so I made a copy of it, altered it in another folder, and switched the altered copy for the original (I have the original still, in a different folder, as I didn't want to delete it and accidentally ruin the game). @Tpiom: I tried your way and no such luck too. Do I just click shift, then ', then space bar, or am I suppose to click them all at once? Also, a question to both of you: am I suppose to hold the sequence (` or the shift+'+space) during the entire time, having them pressed as I type warp 003ebo? And I discovered the reason for my earlier typing troubles. Certain keys in teh Gameplay key menu had them as shortcuts. I've altered it so none of them correspond with any keys of either of your guys' suggestions. Also, am I suppose to do this in the game (as in the area, for example I am standing outside the Ebon Hawk, which reminds me, does it matter where I stand?) or am I suppose to be in one of the menus? Sorry for being a hassle. In the case it does not work, I may restart the game. I have 8 hours of layover this weekend, so restarting will give me something to do. Nar Shaddaa was the first place I went to, so I won't lose much (the only reason it took me semi-long was because I've been walking a fine line ot be lightish grey so that I can obtain Mira, then return to being full Dark Side, as I'm curious to try to turn her into a Dark Jedi. In the case I do restart, is there any recommendations for additional or different mods I should try?
  4. Vista. My whole computer is Vista, as one of the things I had worried when I first tried the mod was because I needed a certain patch to get it to work on Vista.
  5. Do I have to hold down the ~? Because when I tried it, once I got to "P", it sent me to the ingame menu (with the equipment, skills, map, etc.). And once I finish typing warp 003ebo, I don't end up anywhere when I click out of the menu. Help?
  6. There was no "enablecheats" in it, so do I just add it in? Does it matter where under the category [Game Options] that I put it? Also, do I just type "warp 003ebo" randomly in game or is there a menu I need to get into first?
  7. Like twdarkeh, I'd be willing to help. I am not as computer savy as others, so I'm unsure how much I can help with modding (as in going in and adding/changing stuff), but I am willing to learn. I write books in my free time and I do grammar help for others, so I can help with the writing and grammar areas.
  8. How do I enable the cheats and warp? I have this mod, but I've never heard of those things. I inquire, because I have the same problem with having the Ebon Hawk empty and all my saves are on Goto's Yacht or right after.