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Everything posted by meagermantis

  1. Hey there, I'm brand-spanking new here to the Deadly Stream, and I'm having some difficulty in getting past a recurring crash of my game: I'm on nar shaddaa for my first planet when Visquis has called. I'm at the point where Atton is warning everyone at the Ebon Hawk, and the Zhug family shows up. That scene plays fine, but the game crashes directly after the next loading screen - with a split-second of sound, then a black screen which I have to alt+tab, or task manager out of with the classic "program has stopped responding" error. Please help? I've implemented every fix i can find on the internet thus far, so far to no avail. This includes: re installing as admin/compatibility, messing with the ini file, setting cpu affinity, changing files to no longer be read only, updating video drivers, changing screen resolution, turning off sound/movies, mss32, etc. I'm running on the official patch, TSLRCM 1.7, USM, USM compatibillity patch, Mira/Hanharr Choice Mod, Skip Telos, Skip Peragus, Droid Enhancement, , Nar Shaddaa fix for TSLRCM 1.6 (the last of which is pretty ironic, no?) I tried attaching analysis, won't let me, and notepad wont open. Again, please help? Edit from Sith Holocron: In the future - for all readers - please include the links for the mods you are using. It's quite a pain to have to look up each and every mod besides TSLRCM. That, and there's no guarantee that HH will want to track down every single mod you've used - as his time is better spent getting 1.8 fixed, you know?.