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Everything posted by SiZo

  1. Ok, then I'll try it for the umpteenth time But come to think of it, I did get an influence increase after going through "why do you feel restless?" dialogue, so I don't know. I can't be that clumsy. EDIT: I have now found the last piece after all. Thanks for your help, HH
  2. Is it a bug that I can't train Mira into a jedi at an influence rate of 90? I'm asking this because I've seen videos in which she was trained right after all her dialogue options were finished, yet when I ask about her being restless on the Ebon Hawk, she still refuses to let me show her what Kreia had beside the pit. I could pump up my influence with her to 90 by talking to her with no influence loss, but I also encountered an oddity: she didn't react to my look at all. I'm also a darksider. (I used KSE to get Mira instead of Hanharr increasing my goodevil value to a point when she would come and decreasing it to the previous state after that)
  3. Hmmm. And 'being pissed at you' also includes the cutscene she starts to pick on Visas and talk about what the Exile looks like to Visas's request, right? If that happens, will any accidental influence increase on Handmaiden affect the outcome on Malachor after that?
  4. Hi there, I know it has been talked about somewhere, but I just couldn't find the topic concerned. So my question would be how big a difference in influence does there have to be for Handmaiden and Visas to trigger the cutscene in which they go at each other on Malachor? Thanks your answers in advance.
  5. SiZo

    1.8 Impressions

    I disagree, considering there is a much greater threat (the True Sith) waiting in the Outer Regions, so there is no reason for optimism at all. This music would just obscure its significance.
  6. I don't know. But my 'guess' is that it wasn't broken at all and the Exile didn't die because if they are harmed by one another, the side-effects of the bond don't apply. But it's a complete nonsense.
  7. This is my last comment on the subject (not wanting to off the topic apart). You've got a point, but we can agree that if these choices didn't alter your alignment, there would be no other way in the game's scope for you to change alignments at all. This is how the developers could solve this thing, and that's all. They had to do it in some way and that was the simplest (I guess they hadn't even think about it the way we did)
  8. It can be explained by what perspective you examine the dark-grey-light issue from. Almost all the dialoge options reflect something that is unique to one of the three alignments. Some of them display greed, selfishness, arrogance etc., which are the signature signs of the dark side. Some of them exhibit self-sacrifice, care for others, selflessness etc., which are light side qualities. If you are more into Star Wars, then you know that if you keep expressing the thoughts of either of the two types of qualites or keep acting in either of these ways while being force sensitive, you will finally be committed to either the dark side or the light side, depending on which way you've chosen. It is the perspective of the force. If we examine it as outsiders, not being force sensitives, the things written above don't apply. Being 'outsiders', we think that what Kreia represents can't be considered to be evil or good, because she, basically, doesn't adhere to either of the two extremes, she's just rational. On the other hand, what she exhibits are self-reliance, self-sufficiency, distrust, selfishness etc., which ultimately make her a dark side person (of course, from the force perspective).
  9. @Sith Holocron: There is no need for quotes or things like that. If you are more into Star Wars, then you know that this dark side and sith stuff is as I have mentioned. Unless she turned after being cast out by Sion and Nihilus, but it's contradicted by what I'm going to write one paragraph below. Though I'm not sure which part of my post you thought of when you wrote your own. @bead-v: the character screen example is false because at the end of the game Kreia does turn dark, which can be seen not only by using Force Sight before confronting her, but also through Visas on Dantooine (and there are her darkened features as well). That fact that she was grey all along in the game was merely due to the fact that there are certain techniques that can hide your actual self from other force users (for reference, just look at Palpatine). And what Kreia thinks still doesn't have anything to do with her alignment (dark or light). Her convinctions are grey, but her own self is not. It's as simple as that. EDIT: and before we misunderstand each other, I'm not saying that what Vash says is true, on the contrary, it doesn't make a lot of sense (as I have mentioned it in my first post regarding this subject), because it's bleeding from several sources, but no one can deny that Vash's guess was the explanation as to why the Exile didn't die when Kreia did, or felt pain when she or he cut her hand off after confronting her.
  10. Kreia only says the she is neither sith nor jedi, not that she is neither dark nor light. There is a huge difference between the two: being dark side doesn't lead to being sith straight away, because in order to be sith, you have to believe in the sith ideal, first. Seeing as Kreia denied the sith order and was never redeemed from the dark side, she just remained to be dark.
  11. Some time ago I checked this issue in the dialog.tlk file and only found that force bonds dissipate, for example, when either the master or the apprentice turns to the dark side, which is nonsense in the case of Kreia and the Exile. It is nonsense because if you play a dark side Exile you are almost halfway towards the bottom of your dark side-o-meter at the beginning of the game, which means, according to what Vash says, that you couldn't have been affected to that degree by Kreia having her hand cut off, because by that point, the bond you shared had already weakened by a large amount. (not to mention the end of the game when Kreia stabs herself with a lightsaber on Dantooine, making the Exile drop, which isn't supposed to happen according to Vash) So now I see why it was cut; because this whole explanation was broken since it didn't work both ways (it does only when you are light side).
  12. Come to think of it, I don't think it would make sense because even when you side with Vaklu, it is explicitly stated by Tobin on the Ravager later in the game that it is Kreia who lets on the whereabouts of the academy, which still requires her to be on Onderon despite the fact that we can't see her tell Tobin about it in a seperate cutscene. What I don't understand is why it is shown when you support the queen and why it isn't when you don't. Though it is more of a wtf moment for the first time when you get to know about it on the Ravager, not having seen it after winning the war.
  13. That's right, but before the game was released, you could choose Kreia to go to Dxun with you, but it was finally removed from the game due to the contradictory fact that she was needed on Onderon to tell Tobin about the academy on Telos - which is also strange, considering she only does so when you side with the queen.
  14. SiZo

    Update on 1.8

    HH, can I ask you about whether my "suggestions" have been included in 1.8? By it, I mean the removal of gaining a dark side point after freeing your teammates from the prison on Malachor (you might remember it since you, too, noted that it would be a reasonable thing to do), and the removal of gaining a light side point after "complimenting" Atton on his decent plan on the Harbinger (topic in question: Judging from the fact that the latter topic hasn't been looked at by anyone from the developer staff ever since I opened it, though, I don't think you even knew that it existed, but I'm asking it just in case. Thank you for your answer in advance.
  15. SiZo

    Update on 1.8

    If you could wait 7 years, a few months are quite negligible. So I think it's more worth waiting for 1.8, considering it's much closer to being released - IMHO - than it was a few months ago (at which point I'd have suggested starting the game with 1.7), and there is also the possibility that 1.8 will come out before you could finish your play-through with 1.7, which will surely ruin your game should it happen.