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Everything posted by tchebio

  1. Ops, my mistake! I removed the Jedi Temple, then reinstaled it, and Coruscant was on the Star Map. I finally found the dialogue about the localization of the HK Factory (the one about the voice recorder on Peragus). Before the dialogue I encountered 3 groups of HK-50, all the times with HK-47 on my party. Sadly, I found it on my second time at Onderon (left Korriban as my last planet), and encountered only one group of HK-50 before the return to Dantooine, so no HK Factory for me, I think (I'm ready to fight the Sith troops on Telos). Maybe the dialogue about the voice recorder could trigger more encounters with the HK-50 (one at each planet). Just a sugestion... And, as a side effect of the Jedi Temple issue, the journal entry about the HK-50 didn't have the text! All the other quests worked perfectly! The only strange issue was with Kreia and the Lightsaber lesson. I tried it several times, and every time I got the message that I needed to find a lightsaber. But I already had a lightsaber! Maybe I needed a lightsaber for Visas, too, but the message didn't said it... I'll wait for the next version, to try it again. One more sugestion: the Jedi Masters could drop crystals or robes (the good ones) when Kreia kill them on Dantooine. They were Jedi Masters, should have some good stuff! By now, all I can say is... this mod is AWESOME! Made the game what it should be! Congratulations! May the Force be with you all!
  2. - What planet are you on? Finished Telos (first time). - What is the problem? On the Star Map, there is a planet with the description of the HK Factory, but I traveled to there and that place was (I believe) the Jedi Temple (mod from DeathDisco). Encountered two Republic soldiers at the doors, then some sith assassins killed them. And the Jedi Temple don't appear on the Star Map. Don't know if it's alright. Intel dual core 2.6 GeForce 7200 GS Windows XP SP3 Patch 1.0b TSLRCM 1.7 1.7 Fix Cyan Lightsaber Fix Remote tells influence (not working, removed) Jedi Temple