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File Comments posted by Aviat3d

  1. On 6/24/2020 at 12:31 PM, Kovu47 said:

    I’ve managed to get all other panels to work and the workbench screen but the workbench itself is a glitchy/static box, If someone has an idea or answer to my problem please let me know.


    I have resolved my issues.

    I am having the exact same issue. Everything looks good but the workbench and lab stations looking glitchy / partly see-through.

    If you remembered how you fixed this I would appreciate it.
     to the mod owner (if still active) let me know if there's something I should check to get these working? i can confirm that the associated .tga and .twi files are the only files (no tpc, etc.) that exist in my override for the RepTab files.