Working Class Hero

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Posts posted by Working Class Hero

  1. I've had that problem when doing a vanilla playthrough, not sure what causes it....the only thing I recall about that playthrough was that i didn't receive a prestige class and I killed off 1 jedi master but rescued the other 2, did you do any of those?


    Also, 4 jedi masters? By my count you have zez, vrook, and kavarr =3? Do you have a mod that adds vash back in?

  2. Jaden, Logan23 and VP have an excellent primer for projects of this size. (Granted this was intended for Tc's but I think this project is so big that it applies as well...particularly the last part)


    Also, notice that none of the posts made in this thread have been designed to rip on you*, consider them as advice to build your skills up before tackling something so difficult. It's like trying to construct a house after reading just 1 book (or tutorials), sure you can give it a shot but I would rather start by learning how to build a birdhouse first, then work up to the real house...believe me, I've made that mistake before. Learn and appreciate how much time you'll need to spend on this before taking the plunge.


    Also keep in mind that even if you were shipped all the files that they've worked on, it still wouldn't encompass all of the ideas they've had that simply haven't been possible due to the engine or other'd be starting blind.


    1. You must be willing to do 98 percent of all the work.


    2. You will need to know how to script, create uti, waypoints, triggers, utcs, utp, utd and place them in game along with making them function properly in-game.


    3. You need to be able to connect modules together.


    4. Expect the only help you will get is advice, some tip on scripting and some skinners.


    5 This will take at least 2 years to build.


    6. You will have to make sacrifices where you choose to mod over doing real life things that are both enjoyable or necessary.


    7. You will be doing all the boring and tedious things like lipsyncing and managing all your game assets.


    8. You will need to be able give up cool ideas due to production time or because they will derail your game’s story.


    9. You must be prepared to just use original kotor1/2 modules as is or re skinned.



    10. You must decide whether or not your TC will be voiced. Human Voice Over, can make or break the quality of your mod, depending on whether or not the VOs are actually good. Giving Alien VO to every NPC having dlg of some type is not going to get a favorable response, but neither is silence.



    11. Make sure there are many choices in the game and multiple endings. If the story has one ending then make it into a fan fiction.



    12. When you lose interest with the project or get frustrated will you still continue with the same passion and dedication you had in the beginning?



    I repeat this will take 2 years and you must be prepared to do the project on your own!


    *Ok except for miss sara's



    [snarky]Do go on . . . person that registered three days ago.[/snarky]

    C'mon Sh, you're being a negative nancy. If VP, BV, & co couldn't finish it after 2 years, it's completely plausible for someone who just joined to restart the project...seriously man, learn to dream.


    If theirs something I can do, then just let me know. I want to do the part with Atton cuz he is my fav!!! Such a babe <3

    Just awesome...I salute you sir. B)

  4. Not sure what you mean with the last 2 be reversed? First have the rocket hit and have it fire afterwards? That sounds weird...


    As it is now in 1.8:


    1. Fire rocket

    2. cut to ingame scene showing the shuttle already on fire

    3. show rocket hittng the shuttle


    My point is obviously it can't be on fire if it hasn't gotten hit yet; so I think it would be better to flop 2 and 3.

  5. some minor inconveniences:


    when you first find batono, the opening convo can fizzle and you have to click him again to get the option to take him to grenn...i don't remember that happening in vanilla, but i could be wrong.


    When you travel to atris' academy, the cutscenes are stacked so that the movie of hk firing the rocket at the shuttle plays first, then the ingame scene showing flames in the shuttle, and then the movie showing the shuttle getting hit by the rocket. Shouldn't the last 2 be reversed?

  6. I don't know; I didn't think to save the save...if nobody else has mentioned it then I probably just got a TSL quirk. It didn't have any impact on gameplay other making me think that I had imagined that old cutscene. :blink:


    I also had to check my memory after getting the extra conversation with Atton after Peragus, but that one WAS a restored scene, not just something I missed ...makes me wonder why OE cut scenes like that from the game, they were done well.


    Great job on restoring those! :cool:


    Edit: And for teaching grenn to shrug!

  7. I can give the easy answer, if it's not this then you'll need Hassat to answer. :unsure:


    It's possible the mod didn't get installed to the right folder-check the root folder (usually {C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2} but it may be different for the bundle). easiest way to check if the mod is installed is to look for the "Override" folder and see if it's full...if there isn't an override or it only has 3 files in it from the 1.0b patch, then you need to reinstall the mod to the right folder.

  8. I think that RCM should provide the platform for other mods to build upon...I feel that it does a good job of that, but I don't like the ending changing for each version....which happened 1.4-1.6, which proves that the factory was going beyond just restoration.


    Kaevee may be pure restoration, but she's annoying and is the single worst part of rcm. It needs to be either fixed in 1.8 or cut.

  9. Seriously, how hard is it to remove Kaevee from dantooine? I have not taken a look at 1.7 in a while, but if memory serves me, kaevee adds only another way to discover vrook in the crystal cave...removing her still leaves the old way of speaking to the disciple.

  10. If you're including the fix to the kreia skin you might as well include the lightsaber finesse icon fix too.

  11. As the download section is becoming larger, I think it is necessary to have sub-divisions, a la kfiles, in the file organization.


    -Restored content

    -Added Content

    -Items, Robes


    As it is now, it's a pain to have RCM or the influence system in the same category as "Darth Maul PC Head" confused.png

  12. I have to agree with staticjoe, ttlan. I'll admit, some of your posts did make sense. But, the majority of your posts are mostly just nitpicks about the game. And that's what it is... A GAME. No game is ever perfect, especially not the vanilla KotOR 2. But, TSLRCM can't fix every little problem you see. like the misspellings in the title crawl. You should (hopefully know) that some things tend to be lost in translation. I'll admit, I get annoyed at some inconsistencies in TSL... but, it's just a game, you don't need to make "a mountain out of a molehill."

    You do know that this is mostly a modding forum, yes?


    While I don't agree with all of ttlan's conclusions, I certainly appreciate the staggering amount of time SHe has spent researching the game files and giving me some greater understanding of the game. (and some modding ideas)