Working Class Hero

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Working Class Hero last won the day on June 15 2011

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  1. Richard Dawkins is my hero

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Mandalore


      I agree that this shouldn't escalate, but one of the main points I regularly use (I get into these arguments quite a lot) is that the Bible says nothing of the other millions of planets and galaxies they reside in; and if they are all assumed to exist in the "heavens" statement, then why is Earth mentioned specifically when there is a great chance of other habitable planets in the Multiverse?

    3. bead-v


      Agreed on atheism if you look at it like that. There is no evidence that a creator is there, and no evidence that he is not. So: believe nothing. It is the only rational thing. As for evolution, and the big bang? No. Those are based on science which works with facts. Math. Some of it may be wrong, but it's unlikely, while bible is irrational in it's entirety.

    4. bead-v


      the bible* =)

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