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Posts posted by SamTheG

  1. 2 hours ago, Effix said:

    Quick and dirty fix:
    Go to your override folder, here you find 2 files (for male that is, female has F instead of M):
    - pmbj.mdl
    - pmbj.mdx
    Make 3 copies of the mdl file and name them pmbjs.mdl, pmbjm.mdl and pmbjl.mdl.
    Do something similar for the mdx files.
    Add the attached file.

    N_DarthBand01.txi 26 B · 1 download

    I just want to know because I'm quite far into the game so I don't want to mess it up if this goes wrong and start again. Thanks

  2. So I'm trying to use this head mod for KOTOR 1 in conjuction with the Darth Bandon style armored robes I installed from here . Whenever I equipt one of these armored robes, my character appears to be wearing the vanilla Revan Robes just reskinned (Apologies I have no screenshots). I think this is because Seikans armored robes mod is not compatible with the head mod I installed hence the strange mesh. Is there any way to make these two mods compatible with each other so that seikans armored Robes works properly with the custom head mod I installed? Any help would be greatly appreciated and apologies if I didn't explain my issue that well. Thank you!