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About ironavenger15

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  1. @Mutilator57@Crazy34Can you provide a link? I can't find that particular version, Thank you.
  2. @Mutilator57 Not yet I also contacted a couple of people who work on the mod and haven't gotten anything back yet. If I do find a solution or hear back I'll post it here
  3. I am attempting to change the blade model using New_Lightsaber_Blades_Modder's_Res by Crazy34 and for some reason the ambient light won't work. Can anyone help?
  4. ok so the instructions are great but there one issue the ambient lighting doesn't work when I try to add the blade to other hilts it's not there even when I only change the saber's model and nothing else still no light. Everything else works as intended and the blades themselves are great.