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About Omega0101

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    Jedi Initiate

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  1. I may have found the problem I was having earlier. When selecting the target path for Kotor, the editor was only able to find the swkotor chitin.ini if it was already inside the Northern Lights folder. Even if I start the path with C:\\ it just assumes I'm referring to something that's within the project folder, and won't look outside. Is there any way to fix this? Thanks.
  2. Thanks for the link, I've checked the requirements and my laptop seems to be suitable, so I'm not sure what the GPU problem is. I've checked the moduleout folder and the path does work, so it's still a mystery what's happening. Thanks for your help, I'll wait and see what happens
  3. I tried opening the KotOR program within the Assets\Scenes file, it said that it had to fall back to the CPU for Lightmapping as the GPU wasn't advanced enough, so I don't know if it worked. I previously had some issues getting the paths to the swkotor file right, but I did create the folders for the save locations and select working paths to the game files. After that was when the new error showed up. Here is a screenshot of the error message. I'm thankful for any help.
  4. I've installed it and tried the Load Kotor, but now it says several of the .cs files have unexpected ends. I've checked the files in the specific rows, but there seems to be nothing wrong. Can anyone help?