I have seen many old mods of varying quality and made notes about interesting ones in the list-reminder. This list can be useful for people, who are tired of their builds and want to see something “new”. In the recent past, several mods have been rediscovered or recreated (Xcom's Grenades Mod, Blue GUI for TSL), so I won’t mention them. Also, I think mods like Ultimate Saber Mod (USM) or Dark Harbinger are fairly well known, so I’ll focus on more obscure works.
1. "TSL Improved Loading Screens" by SpaceAlex
This mod is similar to Concept Loading Screens 1.1 mod by Darth InSidious, but unlike that mod, when there is no appropriate concept art, original loadscreen is replaced by processed high-resolution screenshot. I think these two mods will work best in tandem: some concept art loadscreens are present only in Darth InSidious work, while others are in SpaceAlex mod, some concept art looks better in the first mod, some looks sharper in the second. In particular, I can highlight load_105PER, load_205TEL, load_512OND, load_901MAL, load_EBO1, load_EBO3, load_EBO4, load_EBO5, load_EBO6.
Note: you need to rename files load_EBO1.tga, load_EBO2.tga, …, load_EBO6.tga to load_001EBO.tga, load_002EBO.tga, …, load_006EBO.tga for them to work.
Link: https://www.moddb.com/games/star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic-ii/addons/tsl-improved-loading-screens
2. "Force Fashion I" and "Force Fashion II" by Jonathan7
These mods replace robes that use padawan model and add additional based on movie designs, KOTOR and Tales of the Jedi comics. They also give new robes to companions and jedi masters.
It was stated that these mods are incompatible with TSLRCM, mainly due to party .dlg files for acquiring robes after they become jedi. But I guess, it should be possible to simply drop skin files to Override folder and obtain them via cheat codes (Jonathan7 kindly provided all item codes in readme file). There are many interesting robes to choose from; my favorites are Anakin RotS, Obi-Wan ANH, Luke RotJ, Nomi Sunrider, Malak’s Jedi Robe and Darth Sidious RotS robes.
Note: item code for Brown Leather Robe (Sylvars Robe) is a_robe_25, not a_robe_55.
More screenshots: https://web.archive.org/web/20110927123930/http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Force_Fashion_II;104261x#2124606
Links: https://www.gamefront.com/games/knights-of-the-old-republic-ii/file/force-fashion and https://www.fileplanet.com/archive/p-67260/Star-Wars-Knights-of-the-Old-Republic-II-Force-Fashion-II-Mod
3. "RGB 6 short robes pack" by RGB
This may be one of rarest TSL mods (that are worth seeking), it seems to disappear completely from the Internet and unlike other RGB’s works, it wasn’t saved by wayback machine. Which is a shame, because these short tunics skins have a great design and are well made, plus they give interesting bonuses. However, thanks to the amazing community members the mod has been rediscovered. The readme file didn’t have any redistribution instructions, so if you need it, message me on DeadlyStream or Discord. Alternatively, there is Tunics for JS-ZS Armors mod by 90SK.
More screenshots: http://web.archive.org/web/20060511130116/http://www.pcgamemods.com/mod/12805.html
4. "The Mandalorian Knights" by The Source (MacCorp.)
Adds a small shop near Tienn Tubb on Nar-Shaddaa that sells good-looking shiny heavy armors. The shop is nicely decorated, although new merchant has only bare minimum of dialogs (so don’t hope for extensive backstory or sidequests there). A curious detail: from a certain angle, “The Mandalorian Infiltrators” female armors resemble costumes from Power Rangers movie (2017) for some reason.
Link: https://www.gamefront.com/games/knights-of-the-old-republic-ii/file/the-mandalorian-knights
5. "Malachor V" texture mods by xediixarwarz and OriionZ
There are plenty of mods that replace Telos and Harbinger textures with alternate versions, but I have not seen many works that reskin Trayus Academy. In fact, the only released packs I remember are Malachor V 2012 and Malachor V 2013. While some design choices are questionable (didn’t know that sith were fans of pink color), these packs offer a nice variety over boring grayness of vanilla textures.
Links: https://www.moddb.com/games/star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic-ii/addons/malachor-v and https://www.moddb.com/games/star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic-ii/addons/malachor-v-2013
6. "Lonna Vash Mod" by Sikon
With this mod, the player can meet Lonna Vash on Korriban and talk to her without having to visit M4-78. Listed as incompatible on TSLRCM page, but several users confirmed that in reality it just reverts Korriban to pre-TSLRCM state (no HK-50 encounter there and no few restored lines).
Link: https://www.gamefront.com/games/knights-of-the-old-republic-ii/file/lonna-vash-mod
7. "Force Power For TSL: Lightsaber Floating" by Darth333
Most of Darth333 mods are available in the Download section on DeadlyStream, but not this one. It adds a new force power that allows to summon floating lightsabers like certain character. In V2.0 the force power upgrades automatically upon usage (although now you can only learn it on Korriban, this will probably happen quite late in the game).
Note: Regarding v2.0, I read that due to a bug, only one lightsaber appears after upgrading force power, but there is an instruction from zbyl2:
“The mod itself needs a small fix to work as intended though. First of all, install the mod as usual. Then open Spells.2da from your Override folder and find the lines FORCE_POWER_D3_SABER_1 to _3. Remember their line numbers or simply keep the 2da file open. Next, go to the d3_saber_source folder found in the mod file and copy the d3_saber_force.nss somewhere else to edit. (You can also edit the one in the source folder, but I prefer keeping the mod files intact.) Open it using Kotor Tool's text editor or any other editor of your choice and replace 997 with the row number of FORCE_POWER_D3_SABER_1, the two instances of 998 with the row number of FORCE_POWER_D3_SABER_2 and the two instances of 999 with the row number of FORCE_POWER_D3_SABER_3. Once that's done, compile the script and place it in your Override, replacing the script already there.”
Links: https://deadlystream.com/topic/7174-request-tsl-floating-lightsaber-force-power/?do=findComment&comment=76772 and https://deadlystream.com/topic/7174-request-tsl-floating-lightsaber-force-power/?do=findComment&comment=77458
8. "Final Touch" by oldflash
Calling Final Touch obscure might be inaccurate, but nowadays this mod is rarely mentioned, despite being very famous in the mid-2000s and almost winning the title “Mod of the Year” on LucasForums. Sure, some things from it don’t look as cool as they did 15 years ago, some just didn’t age well, and overall scale of the mod makes it incompatible with major modern projects. However, it can serve as good modder resource (for personal use). What I mean is that experienced user can find files with interesting elements and manually insert them into Override folder. For example, things like new model for remote (https://deadlystream.com/topic/4800-black-reskin-of-bao-durs-remote/?do=findComment&comment=49900), handmaiden model without hood (works with some retextures, Instruction here https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?showtopic=5498592/#entry69250461), headgear, weapons or reskins of Visas robe (shroud will require manual recoloring if you wish it to match robe’s color).
Link: https://www.gamefront.com/games/knights-of-the-old-republic-ii/file/final-touch
9. "Telos Polar Plateau Sidequest 1.2" by GeorgNihilus (aka FrantFire)
Adds new sidequest that allows to return to Telos Polar Plateau and Atris’ academy. The mod is well-made: the story isn’t long, but has several possible conclusions, there is new location (though, it reuses existing module), NPCs have animations during dialogues. In version 1.2 the player can actually infiltrate and rob the academy, this would be a good opportunity to use invisibility belt and stealth gameplay, but this is not an option, sadly.
There is no reliable info about compatibility with TSLRCM. Files ‘grenn.dlg’ (the dialog from 221TEL) and k_222area_enter.ncs script are likely to conflict with TSLRCM, but even then, they should undo only some changes to Battle of Telos modules (221TEL, 222TEL).
Note: version 1.2 has a bug with missing NPC and westar pistol. Since original patch is no longer available, I made ‘custom’ fix. Before the installation of the “Telos Polar Plateau Sidequest 1.2 mod” copy files "changes.ini" and "ff_skeleton2.utp" from the fix into the folder "tslpatchdata" of the mod, replacing existent files. Then install mod as usual.
Link: https://en.ds-servers.com/gf/ff-telospolarsidequest1-2-zip.html
The unofficial fix is at the end of the post.
If any of the mentioned mods are actually available in the Download section of DeadlyStream, then please post a link in the comments.
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