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About SeaBee

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    Jedi Initiate
  1. Yeah I have this mod downloaded. I'm a bit obsessive my dialogue sometimes so this was a welcome addition because simply removing an exclamation mark or rewording can make all the difference. I would actually love a mod that removes (or gives an option) to not flirt with Bastila, or reworking the cheesier lines, and as you say, give lightweight additions to it.
  2. That's fair enough and I respect that. Again, it's more to do with personal preference. I think the word "shallow" may have been too harsher a term - I guess it's wanting to have more choice than presented, which you can say for anything I suppose. Certainly I like the dialogue in KOTOR but I guess it's personal preference for wanting to have something a bit more extensive.
  3. That is very true - however, I think it's more to do with the fact the game itself doesn't allow for multiple options is a bit strange. Like when to the age part, the player can still say "Wait, wasn't this all on my service record" can still be there - I think it's giving more choice to the player. Considering at this point we don't know it's Revan, or at least we're lead to believe so, it gives more choice plus can lend itself more to certain roleplaying options
  4. Hello all, Long time KOTOR fan, first time forum poster. I had an idea for a (hopefully fairly) simple mod that would (again, hopefully) make a playthrough a little bit different. So to set the scene, one thing I also thought KOTOR 1 was missing was a bit more depth in what you could be. A prime example of this was the questions Bastila asked you when you were on Dantooine. This is a quick copy + paste from the KOTOR Strategy Wiki: Bastila: First, what kind of background do you have? Answers: 1. Nothing extravagant. I'm a soldier. 2. I was a scout. The fleet recruited me for my skills. 3. I was a smuggler before I joined the fleet. (Plus the ones that piss her off) Bastila: Good. On which planet were you born? Answer: Deralia. It's in a remote system. Why? Bastila: Excellent. Your current age is? Answer: Wasn't all this in my service records? Now I don't know about you guys but that seems all quite shallow choices - particularly for a Bioware game. So what if for example, it was something more like this: Bastila: Good. On which planet were you born? Player: Answer 1. Deralia. It's in a remote system. Answer 2. Nar Shaddaa. It was very rough to grow up in. Answer 3. Coruscant. Grew up in the big city and saw all the galaxy had to offer. Answer 4. Naboo. Very quiet and very peaceful, nothing too much happened there. Answer 5. Kashyyyk. I'm a Wookiee… can't you tell? Just by adding the choices, you get to add a little bit more of a backstory to your character. The same can be applied to the background, so for example if the background was for a soldier. 1. Nothing extravagant. I'm a soldier. Just graduated from the academy. 2. Was a mercenary for a while, thought I would sign up with the Republic before I got into too much trouble etc. Dunno if anyone else thinks the same way about this, but I would love to lend assistance for mod development/mod this myself. Would anyone want this/have any other ideas?