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File Comments posted by jacqylfrost

  1. 1 hour ago, StellarBull said:

    I haven't slept at all and it's 6 am here but I do believe I have solved the issues I mentioned. I compared the dialog.tlk for the PC and Switch versions of KOTOR 2, output the difference (favoring the switch), which left me with all the instances of altered button prompts made specifically for the switch, as well as some other interface text elements. Then I made a script to look at that output and the TSLRCM dialog.tlk, updating any strings with the same id to the switch iterations, and inserting any strings with entirely new ids as well. A preliminary test shows promise, but after I complete a full playthrough I will post everything and credit both dMATOovoxq and jacqylfrost.

    For now I need sleep.

    This is why procrastinators always win! If I simply think about doing something long enough, someone else will do it!

    In all seriousness, great to hear, I hope to eventually try and put together a guide, maybe even a complete modpack (assuming I can get permission from TSLRCM authors) with these kinds of bugs/polish issues ironed out, so if you get it working, I may ask to use it (of course, with credit).

    Or maybe someone else will beat me to the punch entirely! Either way, great work!

    • Like 1

  2. 3 hours ago, StellarBull said:

    Apologies for bumping this, but could anyone help me making use of dMATOovoxq's "KotOR II Switch Modding Framework 2.1.0.zip"? My understanding is the scripts were made for linux/mac. Did jacqylfrost ever tweak his implementation with this new info?

    Thanks in advance.

    As stated above, I am very busy, at the moment I am settling into a new job, and I just got back from a convention. I've given @dMATOovoxq/Dr Snuggly my blessing to split this off into their own modding framework with their improvements, but they previously indicated they have no plans to get this working on Windows. I will look into this myself at some point, but to be frank, I'm exhausted, and this is my first weekend off in nearly 3 weeks, and I'm taking a breather.

    Never say never, but don't expect it soon. I may look over my notes and see if there's something I missed when I wrote the readme later today, but I did get TSLRCM and another mod working just fine with this, so I suspect I may have worded something poorly or just forgotten a detail. The script shouldn't be strictly necessary for TSLRCM, I'm just not sure what issue people are running into. Some have gotten it working just fine.

    • Like 1

  3. 6 hours ago, dMATOovoxq said:

    Actually, got it working! Screenshots attached — one with the first sign that TSLRCM is working in the character creation menu (the "Mobility" feat is added), and one with the first in-game sign that it's working (the first dead body has a Vibrocutter instead of a Vibrosword). However, I had to take a modified approach to this, details below.

    Background: I'm sure you've noticed already, but there's no real pattern to which files live in the romfs's override folder vs. the Localized override folder. So, I dumped it all from the Switch and mapped out where each override file is supposed to be (along with other folders split between romfs and Localized, like romfs/StreamSounds/).

    Resolution: I've attached a modified version of your original framework. I've flattened the directory structure to get rid of the Localized folder, so all mods are installed into romfs/ (instead of installing to romfs/Localized/English/ and moving things around afterwards). Once the mods are all installed, run the finalize.sh script to restructure everything into what the game expects on the Switch, then copy the Title ID folder (i.e. 0100B2C016252000) to the SD card under /atmosphere/contents/.

    NOTE: the script I wrote will only work on macOS or Linux (or on Windows with WSL2 or Cygwin, if you're feeling adventurous). It can be easily adapted to Windows batch or PowerShell, but I don't currently have the inclination or motivation to do so.

    Feel free to incorporate this into this framework, if you wouldn't mind adding an attribution (to DrSnuggly, I’m in the process of changing my username here lol), if you feel it's appropriate.



    KotOR II Switch Modding Framework 2.0.0.zip 3.29 MB · 0 downloads

    I appreciate you contributing it, I'll have to dig through my notes again, I must have missed something in the readme, considering others are having trouble too. Fact of the matter is that it was nearly a year ago at this point, my memory isn't great, and I've been too busy to really look into it. I'll dig into it at some point, will absolutely credit you for it, that's a given.

    Thanks and have fun!

  4. On 6/24/2023 at 12:39 PM, dMATOovoxq said:

    Typically the Restored Content mod alters the main menu to show that it's been installed correctly. I've followed the instructions you listed (including moving the Override folder to the rootfs folder), but I'm not seeing any changes to the main menu. Hopefully I didn't miss anything obvious in your instructions.

    Did you have the same experience (quote above that could be related)? I'm not familiar enough with the game to recognize if TSLRC is working as intended from within the game itself 😅

    I'm using the 1.0.2 patch with just the TSLRC mod, for whatever that's worth.

    Apologize for the delayed response, I've been busy. TSLRCM will NOT show on the main menu. However, it should work just fine.

    IIRC, on Peragus, there is a vibrocutter in the first room where you get base-level equipment, if you acquire that, then you know the mod is installed.

  5. 15 minutes ago, N-DReW25 said:

    I want you to picture this, the Kotor player heads are 256x256 in resolution whereas Armors and body textures are 512x512 in resolution.


    On the XBOX version most, if not all, of the textures are reduced to 256x256 resolution. This means things like Armor textures look bad on the XBOX whilst the heads don't look that much different.


    I theorize that the Kotor Switch port is a port of the XBOX version due to the near identical GUI, however, I also suspect that Apsyr "modernized" Kotor on the Switch by replacing the XBOX modules with the PC modules to remove the NPC cloned appearances of the XBOX and by upscaling the XBOX textures from the low-res 256x256 to the PC 512x512 resolution.


    This creates a weird result where the 256x256 textures on the PC such as player heads look stunning whereas the usual PC 512x512 textures look awful on the Switch as it was made using AI.


    I theorize that the Kotor Switch port is a port of the XBOX version due to the near identical GUI,

    Having poked through the game's files a fair bit, my personal opinion is that this is the mobile port of the game, with the Xbox UI, for some reason, ham-fisted into it. Here's why I think that:


    folder in override titled "xbox_gui"


    Weird decomp of the dialog.tlk file, with a path that implies it comes from the IOS codebase.

    The folder structure in general is also very similar to the Android port.

    I still have no idea why they used the Xbox GUI at all, seeing as the mobile port had a perfectly functional UI, but I assume it was partially due to the fixed resolution nature of the Switch, as opposed to mobile phones which have a wide range of resolutions and aspect ratios.

    As you said, the textures are definitely some sort of AI upscale, that much I'm certain of.

    I can confirm that the base textures are actually the PC 512x512 textures, however, they have been upscaled to a staggering 1024x1024, which is why they look so bad. See below:


    Left is the original texture in \TexturePacks\ and right is in \override\Textures.

    In the description, my confusion was more regarding why they included this without even advertising it, rather than confusion about why it looked so bad, which I think is what you're getting at?

    Thank you for sharing, hope this is helpful info, or at least, interesting.

    • Thanks 1