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  1. I have, it doesn't. Errors pop up everywhere. But don't worry about it, if nobody has the models, I'll just move on to something else. Thanks anyway.
  2. 3DS Max 2016 messed up . . . . I mean changed a lot of things in Max. I'm on 3DS Max 2018 which is barely recognisable to the older versions.
  3. Thanks for the information guys but does KotorMax still work with current versions of Max? I have heard it does not.
  4. Does Kotor tool work with the current version of Max?
  5. Hi I have been trying to get the models of T3, HK and the interior and the exterior of the Ebon Hawk to use as reference material to create new updated models for a hobby of mine. I have tried numerous links on this website and others but none of them seem to be working for various reasons. Would anybody here have access to these models and be able to email them to me? Preferably for current version of 3DS Max. Thanks in advance for any help in this matter Kind regards TT I have modelled for a while now and I never add anything unless I see it on the source material as can be seen on my videos on youtube. I would of course apply this to upgraded kotor models link to my youtube channel
  6. Stormie would you know how to extract a model from kotor and put into current 3DS MAx?