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About kmarisa4649

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate

About Me

Mission Vao: Hey, Bastila. Have you ever used the Force just for fun? You know, trip up some jerk who's ticking you off?
Bastila Shan: I would never use the Force for such petty and trivial revenge. The mere thought of it is preposterous!
Mission Vao: Aww come on, there's gotta be times when you've thought about it. Don't be so stuck up, you can tell me!
Bastila Shan: I am NOT stuck up, I merely have the years of Jedi training to realize how childish such an act would be.
Mission Vao: Childish? Is that a crack about my age? You ain't much older than me, miss "high and mighty"! Just 'cause you're some Jedi, doesn't mean you can be a prissy little -
[Bastila uses the Force to knock Mission to the ground, who promptly stands back up]
Mission Vao: What the - ? Hey! That wasn't funny!
Bastila Shan: I have no idea what you're talking about, Mission. Let us move on, and please, do try to be less clumsy in the future.