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Exile007 last won the day on January 29 2013

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  1. Does anyone know what properties of which module file need to be changed to prevent the player from changing the party? This is for Kotor 2.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      You can also do it by script... NS has plenty of it, for obvious reasons;

      " // Set the Area to Unescapable so the player can't bring

      // in party members.

      SetAreaUnescapable( TRUE );"

    3. Exile007


      I thought that SetAreaUnescapable made it so that you couldn't exit the area... didn't know you could also set it to prevent party selection.

    4. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      You can actually exit the area just fine with SetAreaUnescapable.


      So yeah, pretty misnamed function.