The Dread Cthulhu

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About The Dread Cthulhu

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  1. Have you seen Hassat Hunter's mod that enables you to have Handmaiden with a female Exile (or Disciple with a male Exile?) As you posted a thread asking for it, I thought you might be interested:

  2. Hi, I was just wondering if it's possible to get Handmaiden by going into KSE and selecting a save with a Female PC before the Polar Academy, and changing the character's gender to male from female, and get handmaiden like that- keeping the PC's appearance and portrait the same- or if it's more complicated than that. Another possibility I was wondering about is if I can create a male character and change the appearance and portrait like so and if that would work. I'd appreciate any help with this, as I can't help but feel disciple is a dork and that the male PC appearances are all f***-ugly.
  3. Thank you VarsityPuppet and jjo for the fix for the Ravager. All the Sith Troopers eem to be attacking me know on the Ravager and on Malachor, though none of them are marked a s "Elite Troopers". I re-installed Trayus Rank Reform. Speaking of Malachor, Darth Sion, when he spawns by the entrance to the core, doesn't do anything. Although he is there, he has no dialog, doesn't attack, or do anything else than just sit around, similar to my Sith Elite Trooper problem. He functioned properly with Atton, but know he just kind of stands there as soon as he spawns by the entrance to Trayus Core. Although I've tried running up to him and talking to him, that doesn't work. EDIT: I've attached a screenshot.
  4. Over thbe last couple of weeks since I've been playing KOTOR 2 with TSLRCMm I've noticed a few bugs. One is that whilst inside the Tomb of Freedon Nadd, any characters named as "Sith Elite Trooper" do not attack. This isn't much of abug as it isn't game breaking, but I still hoped to get some extra experience from killing them. The second bug, that is by far the most frustrating, occurs on the Entertainment Module of Citadel Station, when the Sith are attacking. I talk to Mandalore about boarding the Ravager after Visas shows up, the .bik movie of the Republic Fleet dropping out of Hyperspace play, and then there's a black screen all of a sudden, which returns me to the Entertainment module as if nothing happened, except I am "blinded", so to speak. Because of this I can't get to the Ravager and move forward with the game. I'm currently using Iltimate Balancing Mod, Trayus Rank Reform, Bastila PC, Stoffe's Force Powers 2.1, 3 New Force Crushes, Hardcore Mod, and Heroes of the Old Republic, Ebon Hawk Cargo Mod, Dak's Skin Pack v2, and the exile item pack. I don't how any of these would interfere with anything that might have to do with dialog and modules, but there's something out there that's interfering with my game. Any help would be appreciated with my problems would be greatly appreciated.
  5. I'm still getting the same problem as I had in 1.6, where some of the new dialog goes by REALLY fast, like in a couple hundredths of a second. The best example I can give is with the Gran and the Duros outside the Jekk Jekk Tar, where the Duros kills the Gran. This happens after the exile goes in the Jekk Jekk Tar. I am (obviously) on Nar Shadaa, I've done all the missions there, have not visited any other planets besides Telos, I have 1.7 and the Nar Shadaa Fix installed, and I have the mods Bastila PC, Exile Item Pack, and New Force Powers 2.1 installed.