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About Nicknacks

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    Jedi Initiate
  1. That's pretty LOL worthy, actually. I'd love to have been able to see T3M4 running around with a lightsabre sticking out its head. Hn! In other news, I've never realised you could make companions into Jedi. Is this restored content, or has it always been this way, and I was just playing badly?
  2. It was a cut planet from KOTOR 2. Lots of machines, not a lot of people. The jedi knight who turns up dead on Korriban was originally meant to appear here, and had lines and everything, before she gets cut down by Scion. But they never managed to implement the planet in time, and her body was teleported over to Korriban. It's a bit of a shame, since she qwas originally going to explain more about the whole force bond mechanic, though I reckon it's pretty clear what's up with that in vanilla KOTOR 2.
  3. Guy seems cut up about something and taking pot shots. Is three hundred million even a reasonable ammount to have spent on a game? EA would have cut Bioware off at the shins if they'd even suggested that!
  4. KOTOR 2 all the way. I love the cynacism in the writing, particularly embodied in the character of Kreia, and I like the companions more. Well, that is to say I enjoy seeing them do things, not that they're more likeable (Carth's my fave. Hnnn!) That said, sometimes you get the sense that Avellone was hating on the universe a bit, which fair enough, his perogative and all that, but it comes across as a little bitter. I really do like -- and this might be a little unpopular of an opinion, but -- I really do like the way that it adds a whole lot of ambiguity to the ending of KOTOR. That said, KOTOR 2 was only ever very good because it was standing on the shoulders of KOTOR original recipe. They're both good CRPGs.
  5. Hey guys. New to the forums, and very interested in the mod. I've been chasing all over the internet to find a copy that I could download and install, but unfortunately no such luck so far. It's not the downloading that's the problem; it's the installatation. I tried it with a copty of 1.6, but the computer refused to identify the format, even with WINRAR, which I gathered was meant to help. Le sigh. The plan is to post a comment, and then download the latest mod, and see if I can make that work for me. If not, I'll post. EDIT: Okay, five non-spam posts it is. I'm off to make intelligent discussion. Wish me luck!