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About Rekov

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    Jedi Initiate

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    Carnivorous plants

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  1. I hope this is the right place to ask such a question. I am trying to become familiar with Kotor Tool. I have the boxed checked for "Always convert TPC files to TGA upon extract," but the problem I'm having is that it only actually seems to do this when I extract TPC files one at a time. Is there any way that I can extract a whole erf of TPC files as TGA at once, or convert TPC files to TGA afterwards? I am trying to make a mod similar to the ones that prevent dark side decay from appearing on your PC, but where the early stages still happen, just not the final super wrinkly one. My current understanding is that I simply need to put files for the final darkside appearance into the override that look like the next step up. EDIT: Reading a guide on Module Reskinning seems to suggest that I should be able to select multiple files for extraction in Kotor Tool. I only seem to be able to extract one file at a time, or the whole erf/bif.