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Everything posted by ROTOFire

  1. I had found the sup_grenade script. It is nice to know that I only need to re-compile that one, though. On another note, in the inc_force file, it looks like the save dc for force powers is set by something called "GetSpellSaveDC." so, something within that finds the relevant attribute/level of the user and returns the DC. I can't find the code inside GetSpellSaveDC, so I'm just trying things elsewhere. My though was to do something like this: DC = 5 + (get user level (hitdice)) + get user intmod. I don't know the syntax to accomplish those 2 things though, so maybe someone else does. Thanks for the help everyone!
  2. Is there a way to do this all at once?
  3. Hey all, I've been toying with the idea of making Grenade Save DC scale off the user's attributes, like force powers do. (5+level+relevant att mod). I was thinking intelligence? Anyway, in looking through the utis for the grenades, it looks like the DC is set in the script for the grenade. I found the source script in KT, and in looking at the grenade script, I can see where the DC is established. My question comes in here: What, if anything, is safe to mess with in these scripts? If I copy the whole script into something like notepad, and save it differently, can I edit it and put it back later? Do I have to put something in the override? And if I compile the new script will it overwrite the grenade script in the compiled script section? or do I have to overwrite that one separately? Sorry for the barrage....I know just enough programming to be dangerous messing around, but not enough to fix whatever I break