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About adogface

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    Jedi Initiate
  1. I don't think that what Vash and Kaah did can be called "harm", especially comparing it to the fact that Sith actually turned M4-78 off, and in the end Vash's arrival led to M4-78 being rebooted. A machine megabrain of M4-78's scale should realize this fact and act accordingly, which it does not. He should also understand that killing Vash and Kaah would not help his relationship with player character and his team, who are M4-78's last potential colonists. I don't say that M4-78 should feel friendly to Vash and Kaah but for droids it's all about pragmatism and logic, really. And I'm yet to see any, especially in this particular occasion.
  2. Oh okay, thank you. That, if true, is still a very weak way to kill a character, and it's a shame the story ends like that. But it at least proves that there is some kind of logic behind Kaah's death, even though it is never actually explained or hinted at.
  3. And he didn't change the command after Kaah himself reprogrammed M4-78 and "made friends" with him? That would not make sense. And it still doesn't explain why nobody talks about it afterwards.
  4. Hey guys, Just completed (I believe so) the storyline of M4-78 and among everything that has been already discussed at the forums I haven't found answers to one question that bothers me the most: why in the world did Kaah get killed on the way to Ebon Hawk? Who are these random droids who shot him and why did they do that? This sequence - when he suffocates and then gets murdered - is happening right in front of player character getting out of the main behavior core, and literally nobody is concerned with what just happened. Neither your character nor anyone on this whole planet wants to talk about this in any way. It just... happens, right after you become the new colonist and all the "reprogramming" stuff is no more. And then the story just ends... Am I wrong? Is there is something else? Maybe I just missed something vital to the story and thus am confused now, so please give explanations to what I've just witnessed. That is, if you have any. *** Looking back at the mod as a whole I actually liked most of it. I rarely had problems with the voice acting, only when the droid-ish voice changers literally hurt my ears. I did not encounter any major bugs, but didn’t like the fact that going through the quests in one order and not another may block some of them from being completed (I'm talking mostly about the bonus mission). I LOVED the pacing and the intrigue building up through the story... well, until this very story seemingly forgot about its own existence and/or importance. Starting very strong, the story just doesn't know how to unfold. Dialogue lines of different characters talking about the same things doesn't correlate with each other, they just get thrown at you. Master Vash gets killed because the main game story needs her to be killed, and it shows, because no proper logic on why M4-78 kills her is given - "she was a threat", and then he tells he NEEDS organics to maintain his functionality, yet he had just KILLED an organic. Kaah is literally "deus ex machina" as he appears in the main behavior core when he NEEDS to appear - what was he doing since he left the Environmental Zone?! - and then he does things to make the story end. Also Kaah says he shut down M4-78's own memory core and uploaded the backup files of Environmental Archon to M4-78 memory, but it DOES NOT ACTUALLY HAPPEN. M4-78 behaves as usual, and by the way the Environmental Archon does not feel the consequences of her memory being wiped as she perfectly remembers out last conversation. And the ambience of the lifeless planet inhabited with droids is great! You are concerned about this planet and genuinely care to find out what happened! And when you finally do find this out, you wish you'd never do it... Overall the technical part and the ambience were great and on a par with the original KotORs', but the story was mostly lacking: with a good, intriguing start, it seems like your writer(s) did not know how to take advantage of it and ultimately failed to reunite all the story arcs in the end and create a logical and coherent conclusion. *** And above all else, please tell me you have a logical explanation of why Kaah got killed in front of me, and nobody on the planet gives a damn about it.