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About Farmboy0

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  1. I dont interpret controller data at all atm. Its merely shown as an array of floats.
  2. I have updated the KoTOR1 model template its almost complete now. If you see anything wrong in it I would be interested to know. I also updated the Analysis Script and the bash script for calling the editor. Hopefully both are more usable and easier to understand and work with.
  3. Script: KoTOR 1 Template: KoTOR 2 Template: The Templates will eventually find their way into xoreos-docs. Edit: Almost forgot the bash script. Using 010 editor to analyze model files will become slower and slower per file. So I wrote a bash script to only analyze 100 models at once before creating a new instance of the editor. The bash script is here:
  4. Hi, xoreos side dev here. I have looked into KoTOR's model format but only briefly. (I am focused on Jade Empire atm) I have a basic 010 editor template for KoTOR and KoTOR 2 MDL files. (mostly copied from JE) I also wrote a 010 editor script that with some minor adapting can help find MDL files which meet certain criterias. Or find out which values are used for a certain variable. It does this by running though all the MDL files for a game, applying the template and then printing the stuff youre searching for. If that is of any interest to anyone here please let me know.