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Everything posted by Geoff_Skywalker

  1. As a member of the Nexus community, I would like to weigh in on this, partially because I would be unable to do so on the Nexus site (per unfair and inconsistent moderation), and partially because I feel it's important to convey to the greater gaming community that not everyone within the Nexus modding scene agrees with Dark0ne on this matter. He and many of his loyal followers have their torches and pitchforks out against mod thievery right now, literally right on the heels of the Nexus becoming the biggest non-torrent site for downloading pirated mods on the internet. Nexus didn't ask a single mod author for their permission to upload those mods. Authors can contact them and have them removed, which is all fine and dandy, but that doesn't change the fact that the mods were uploaded to a 3rd party site without anyone's permission. If I steal something from you, and you confront me about it, and I offer to give it back and tell you I was just trying to do you and the world a favor, would that magically make it ok? Not in most tribunals, it wouldn't. It would be considered theft. Dark0ne genuinely thinks he's in the right, and he cannot understand why anyone would call him out for being such a hypocrite, although he does have a knack for getting away with being so (particularly last year when it was discovered that this self-styled champion of keeping mods free was actually taking a percentage of mod sales on Steam as a curator). The bottom line is that someone who is hosting thousands upon thousands of pirated mods on his own website doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to speaking out against mod piracy on console platforms, or anywhere else. No one disagrees that mod piracy is bad, but the biggest pirate of all doesn't have any business leading the discussion, and he certainly doesn't have any business trying to tell Bethesda how to deal with it, because Dark0ne's definition of mod piracy is simply piracy in which he doesn't profit off himself. I cannot in good conscience continue to be a member of the Nexus community. I cannot be privy to and condone that level of hypocrisy, and I genuinely don't want to associate with people who do. Anyway, thanks for indulging me here, because you can't say this kind of stuff to the Nexus community without being crucified for not blindly praising Dark0ne with great praise. Well I do not praise him. I condemn his hypocrisy, and I condemn his actions. I hope one day he opens his eyes and sees the error of his ways.