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Everything posted by JustOutside

  1. Hello, I just finished a playthrough with m478, wanted to do it since its release but real life always get in the way. It's a great job, thanks to every persons who participate! This mod seem to have a bad reputation over the internet, not sure why, the vo is very good for most part, and having so much of it in a mod that size is miraculous. I didn't see the boring parts either, investigate what happened before the PC arrived is interesting, and I didn't need to do too much running to complete the quests, at least not more that on the vanilla planets. If you said that it was made by Obsidian, I would have believed it. Anyway, I have a few questions. I sent HK-47 to do the radiation cleaning, and there was a conversation about HK-01 in the central zone, but coudn't find anything more on it later. Is there something more to this? I assume that the 'important looking droid' that give the elimination mission to HK is working for GO-TO? Is there a way to prevent m4-78 to reinitialyse ES-05 at the end of the main quest? Almost forgot, I played on a french GOG version, and switching the dialog.tlk to a english one from the korriban academy to the end of M4-78 allowed me to do the mod without problem.