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Yes thank you, that dialogue is the prerequisite I missed. I must have never tried to train her as a Jedi before this exchange with Kreia occurred before today. Took me aback. I apologize for blaming the mod for this.
Okay after a few years I though it would be nice to return to a playthrough of my favorite KOTOR. Getting the Handmaiden to become a Jedi used to be pretty straight forward (going all the way to 1.8.4) Spar with her three times til level 18, max her influence, have enough light side points, go through the dialogue to convince her, bang done . But now there is extra dialogue delaying this to further down the road. (I find this really aggravating tbh). My question is how long, what triggers this to continue and why is this not obviously documented in any way shape or form?
Star Wars Episode VII Discussion (MASSIVE SPOILERS)
Flashblade replied to VarsityPuppet's topic in Star Wars
You misunderstood, I really did not intend to quote myself, it happened by accident. There are things that you simply won't be able to learn as a toddler (slight exageration here) and her memory shows they dropped her of on Tatoo... oh wait it was Jakku when she hadn't even reached a second digit birthday. So no at that age you can't teach somebody ANY disciplines to a master degree. it is just ludicrous. As I already said somebody so young still learns the basic things of the physical world around him or her. As for your comment that you pick something up when you are surrounded by electronic junk. I would like to drop you of with a mountain of electronic garbage, come back after 10 years and see what you have actually picked up from this. I doubt that that would have turned you into a master mechanic. She stated she was a pilot... so freaking what? If you can fly a Cessna like a true master you won't be able to also fly a 747, an F-16 and a space shuttle like a master as well. It's laughable to assume so. As a fun little exercise lets compare our force sensitive protagonists when we first met them so far. Luke Skywalker son of the chosen one - Expert level pilot - Competent mechanic - Competent with a blaster - Latent force abilities Anakin Skywalker the chosen one, most powerful force potential ever - Expert level pilot - Master mechanic - Latent force abilities Rey - Expert level pilot - Master mechanic - Expert hand to hand fighter - Expert staff fighter - Competent with a lightsaber (self taught or very little training) - Gifted marksman - Can instinctively learn force abilities - Can resist a trained force users interogation through the force (although untrained or very little training) - Beats the same force user in a forcegrip duel without any effort (although untrained or very little training) I rest my case. -
Star Wars Episode VII Discussion (MASSIVE SPOILERS)
Flashblade replied to VarsityPuppet's topic in Star Wars
Ugh didn't want to quote myself here -
Star Wars Episode VII Discussion (MASSIVE SPOILERS)
Flashblade replied to VarsityPuppet's topic in Star Wars
The hilt has weight of course but the blade doesn't have a weight you can perceive normally as it is a compressed beam. Of course it has an atomic weight but that would hardly matter. First of Luke has the force inside him and second moving this blade slightly to make a blaster parry is not the same thing as wielding the lightsaber in combat trying to kill people. And that a Jedi was only able to use the weapon was established lore. When West End Games created the first Star Wars RPG this was pretty clearly stated about lightsabers and guess who they consulted when they created it. To my knowledge only in the EU was this rule ever broken by Boba Fett because of his sheer badass factor. I do not watch the Clone Wars series because the musical score is horrible unStar Wars, the 3d animation style looks terrible and it contains Ahsoka another concept that I despise. For me what happened in the Clone Wars was published by Dark Horse comics. Rey doesn't learn anything, she excels at everything she touches immediately. Luke had to learn, Anakin had to learn and she doesn't. Yes the force has a will and it guides people. But I do take issue with the idea that it would aid this character more than any character previously including the chosen one Anakin. That is ludicrous to me. -
Star Wars Episode VII Discussion (MASSIVE SPOILERS)
Flashblade replied to VarsityPuppet's topic in Star Wars
So this is my second post here and this is going to be a rant, believe you me it is. I am new to this forum but I am by no means new to this scene. I have been playing Kotor and Kotor II when they were first released and at one point I created the first subtle darkside transitions mod for TSL which was hosted on pcgamingmods when that was still around. And I felt the need to vent my anger at this travesty of a new Star Wars chapter in the community of Star Wars fans. By no means is this movie bad in its execution, I wasn't bored watching but as with Star Trek a movie that is executed well by no means makes it a good movie in the franchise. For me this is the worst possible betrayal of George Lucas's vision of Star Wars and I am by no means surprised by the perpetrator after all he did the same thing to Gene Roddenberry's franchise as well. Where do I even begin? I guess with the known and beloved characters. Nothing Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, Lando, Admiral Ackbar, Mon Mothma, Wedge Antilles etc. did matters. 30 years have passed and we have basically the same situation again. I do not care if you call this a gross oversimplification, if the situation lends itself to make A New Hope BIGGER, LOUDER, FASTER Edition with sprinkles of Empire and Return it is the same thing. At least in the EU after the Emperor's death there was a real hope that things would get better which made sense but noooooo we need to keep the status quo here. This movie turns all returning characters into fuckups. Luke tried to get the Jedi going again, failed and than went sulkely into exile. That is just not his personality at all and therefore is a betrayal. Leia for some stupid reason isn't part of the government where she belongs but the general of this new Resistance of the First Order. For crying out loud why didn't she develop here latent force abilities? She would have been the logic choice as Luke's first student just as it happened in the EU, but because it was in the EU we can't have that now can we? Han Solo is either nearly 70 years old or he is 70 years old and he is still smuggling stuff and is indebted to aholes across the galaxy WTF? Another character that should have progressed in the story to be something different. I mean he is the hero and respected general who led the planetary assault to take down the 2nd Death Stars shield. This character would have realised his smuggling days are DONE. He doesn't need to do it ANYMORE. He has a greater and better calling than this but no we need to tickle that nostalgia bone. There can be no logical char progression if we want to create ANH 2.0. This is a personal pet peeve of mine. Han Solo taking Chewie's bowcaster using it and than gushing all over this thing is stupid beyond believe in two ways. The first is that a wookie bowcaster needs a wookies strength to be operated but Abrams wouldn't be Abrams if that mattered to him. The second is that Han has been around Chewies bowcaster for about 50 years or more. He has seen that thing countless times in action. Why would he ever be surprised about its capabilities? Han takes the mentor role of our female protagonist and of course just as the mentor in ANH he has to die. Harrison Ford most likely only agree to return to kill Han off as well. There was zero emotional impact when it finally happened. You saw it coming from the getgo and because of that it has no weight. Chewie is with Han of course and that is fine. His rage when Han gets killed is one of the better scenes in this awful flick. Where the hell is Lando Calrissian? With the old chars done lets get to the new ones. Finn is a weird mix for me between an Eddy Murphy character, a coward, and somehow still able to kick some butt and it doesn't work at all. His two fights with Anakin's lightsaber are laughable and ludicrous. Somebody without a connection to the force is more likely to cut off his own limps than somebody elses. Because of its weird properties like the blade having no noticeable weight a Jedi needs to use the force to wield a lightsaber effectively. That is also why during lightsaber fights not many force abilities are ever used, because the Jedi is already occupied with wielding his lightsaber. That's why I despise these two scenes with all my heart. A prime example of Abrams pissing all over established lore again which he mastered to a degree seldom witnessed. Poe had a good beginning which was than subsequently destroyed by his deus ex machine reappearance. Oh I got lost in the desert and than I was picked up. Really? His pilot abilities are so great that the dog fight scenes with the TIE-fighters turn into a parody. One maneuver, three destroyed TIEs BOOM BOOM BOOM. In this new Star Wars Wedges abilities are just not good enough, Wedge you suck to much for ANH BIGGER LOUDER FASTER! His buddy buddy thing with Finn has no time to develop and literally comes out of nowhere. Kylo Ren *sigh* what a pathetic replacement as a main villian. When things don't go his way he hacks ship consoles a part with a lightsaber like some kindergarden child's temper tandrum. I also laughed when he removed his mask and the face of Adam Driver appeared. A lot of people critize his mask wearing just for being a Vader rip-off. I am actually fine with it, he desperately needs the mask to have any kind of intimidation factor. As soon as the mask came off he was no more than an unconvincing Dark Side user. As for his Vader worship, did nobody tell him the whole story of Anakin Skywalker. He says "I am going to finish what you began grandfather" but his grandfather redeemed himself for the love of a son and gave up on the Dark Side business. This guy isn't aware of that fact? Also gets beat by a non force user and one with zero or barely any training while himself being trained his whole life. Adam Driver convinced me in no scene without a helmet that he was a Dark side force user. He always looked confused and never managed to display aggression at any point in the movie. Haiden Christensen managed to do that quite convincingly. Even when he stabs his father Kylo still looks confused, in doubt and whiny even when he is saying that things are now clear for him. We are suppossed to be afraid of this guy? And now for the main event the female heroine of this whole deal. I have to preface this by saying i LIKE strong female characters, because somebody might accuse me of hating it just for that but that couldn't be further from the truth. When it was announced that the exile would be canonically a female I was very happy with that particular decision. Kreia is my favorite fictional mentor character of all time. My favorite playthrough is female exile with a female mentor so if you accuse me of misogyni you are wrong. But Rey must be the queen of Mary Sue characters. The mans name is JeffREY Jacob Abrams and if you still think that has nothing to do with her wondrous abilities i can't help you. Rey gets everything handed to her without any or very little explanation. Never flown a spaceship in her life, but can pilot the Falcon in a dogfight in a way that makes Han Solo green with envy. Can repair the Falcon better than Han as well although he has known this ship for about 50 years. Is an expert in hand to hand combat and staff combat which somehow ludicrously translates to her also being able to fight competently with a lightsaber. As I already stated with Finn it wouldn't translate at all. Learns to shoot a blaster like an expert in 10 seconds flat. Can just selfteach herself force abilities of high order like the Jedi mindtrick while just recently being told that Jedi actually existed. Before thinking they were a myth. Rips a lightsaber straight out of a forcegrip of a way more experienced and trained force user. It isn't even a struggle for the saber it just flies straight into her hand with no effort whatsoever. Beats said force user (I know he is wounded, I still won't let it go) in a saber fight with either no or so little training that it would hardly help her. Yes I am aware that people theorize that she received training prior to having been dropped of at Tatoo... excuse me Jakku. As I said it would be logically so little that it doesn't matter. Her memory clearly showed that she was youngling age when she was dropped of at Jakku without any guardian like a true Spartan. Do you remember Yoda's youngling class and what they did with a lightsaber? Waving the lightsaber around from left to right a bit with the training drone set to lowest level. THAT is the kind of training Rey would have logically received at that point which makes perfect sense. A child so young needs to still get the hang of the physical world and therefore understanding spiritual or metaphysical concepts of high order is very VERY unrealistic, but he wouldn't be Abrams if he cared about any of that. Anakin was the chosen one and he also needed to be trained in the force. Before that he had the untrained abilities. Luke also needed to be trained. He as well possessed the untrained abilities. But no not this little snowflake. She is after all a veiled Disney princess and those excel at stuff for no apparent reason. Aside from the female lead she is also the male lead as well. When Finn grabbed her hand to run she refused to do it after all we need to drive the point home that little miss perfect is a strong female who needs not depend on silly males. But when she takes his hand it is fine. The characters went to her rescue but our little Mary Sue wouldn't be a Mary Sue if she didn't just free herself before anyone can help her. Strong independent female needs no help from anybody. Notice that the male leads which took her role previously pretty often required help or got their butts kicked badly. If you by now think I hate this new Disney princess you are completely right, but I am completely Dark Side when it comes to this whole movie. On the overall plot the search for Luke Skywalker is just a thin veil to tell ANH again with a bit of Empire and Return. How this movie blatantly copies that plot has already been discussed here so I don't need to repeat it myself. Why so many people are willing to give this movie a pass is utterly mind boggling to me. Never in the history of ever to my knowledge has a franchise ripped of its own story so shamelessly. The prequels also contain nods to the original, like Padme putting a blanket on Anakin the way Leia did to Luke. But in this movie it is like being hit with the steel pan of nostalgia all the time. Remember this? *BANG* You liked that a lot didn't you? *BANG* AND THIS *BANG* AND THIS *BANG* AND ALSO THIS!!!!!!!!!!11111 On Anakin's lightsaber (yes Anakin's, he built it and fought through a good bit of the Clone Wars with it. A lightsaber is a personal weapon after all.) What is it even doing in this Cantina? For all we know it should have disintegrated while falling to the "surface" of Bespin. And furthermore why can every idiot that goes backstage just open that box and leave with that thing? That door wasn't even locked. I don't blame Kasdan for this mess. I think he had no leeway whatsoever. They told him to write an ANH copy and he did. I do blame him for accepting the job. Orci and Kurtzman would have sufficed to write this dreg. To sum it all up The Farce Awakens is a great action movie and a terrible entry in the Star Wars story, as Black Flag is a great pirate's game but a terrible Assassin's Creed and Into Darkness is another great action movie but an atrocious Star Trek movie. At least the Star Trek fanbase recognized it for what it is. I'd rather have seen an adaptation (NOTE ADAPTATION not a copy) of Heirs to the Empire. That would have been awesome me thinks. -
Stuck on M4-78, technical problem
Flashblade replied to Flashblade's topic in M4-78 Enhancement Project
I have Kreia and Visas with me. Removing party members didn't help -
1) During the game, when did the problem begin to occur? It is during the I1-01 quest line. I just watched the broken security recordings. I return to the maintenance droid and ask him whether he can do anything about this. The characters leave in the cinematic, it fades to black and than nothing else happens. 2) Did you install the latest version of the mod? (1.8.4 and 1.2 respectively) Yes 3) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, GOG, 4CD, KotOR Collection?) What region is the game designed for if it's the 4 CD version? Steam without using the workshop 5) Did you install this over the previous version(s), or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the TSLRCM's read-me file? fresh install 6) What other mods have you installed? Please give an accurate list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (We don't actually know them all!.) SLM 2.0 with compatibility patch http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/551-slm/ Admiralty compatibility patch http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/208-tslrcm-compatibility-patch-for-jingers-admiralty-mod/ Handsister Fix http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/44-handsister-fix/ Handmaiden for females - Disciple for Males http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/226-handmaiden-4-females-disciple-4-males-for-tslrcm-184/ Prequel Robe Replacement http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/413-tsl-prequel-robe-replacement/ Remove Restrictions for Force Powers by Armor http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/9-remove-restrictions-for-force-powers-by-armors/ Movie Style Jedi Master robes http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/64-movie-style-jedi-master-robes/ Movement Animation Fix for Kotor and TSL http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/465-movement-animation-fix-for-both-kotor-and-tsl/ Default Replacement Hilt Megapack 8.1 http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/496-tsl-default-replacement-hilt-megapack/ Peragus Mining Gear 1.1 http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/401-peragus-mining-gear/ 7) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? No see above 8) Have you tried re-downloading/re-installing the mod? No 9) Have you tried using a different save game? No 10) Have you tried starting a new game? No 11) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them.) Win 10 12) Can you confirm that you see the TSLRCM logo on the the main menu screen? Yes 13) What language is your game set for? English 14) Which language of TSLRCM are you using? English