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Everything posted by Artownik

  1. Alright. We have an update. I managed to bypass the previous problem. The installer had a problem creating directory "modules" inside the "backup" directory. When I did that manually things went through. However after that came a new problem. It seems that inside the install directory there should be a modules\ship_tmp\alienchatting.dlg To put it short there's not even a "modules" directory inside the installation. The dialog file is also missing (haven't found it anywhere) and possibly other dlg files are also missing. I also looked through the packed parts (it's not there aswell).
  2. Well, wanted to install this with K1R (on steam) and there seems to be a problem. I get the message: Unhandled exception: Cannot create file "C:\Gameinst\Kotor\backup\modules\ship.mod". System nie może odnaleźć określonej ścieżki (0) It's in polish and means: "System cannot find the specified path" Sidenote: I installed the K1R first.