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Everything posted by zXCollinsXz

  1. I was referring to when instances such as when Doctor Evil said "and EU wasn't that great to begin with, post ROTJ or Old republic. TOR was utter garbage and ruined the whole Kotor franchise" Or when he said "and LMAO EU was a pile of trash" I believe it did have issues yes but the large majority of it was good. Also what do you mean with "it's not exactly about that". Finally context is extremely important as it gives us an understanding of the nature of the film industry at the time, at the time movies were about anti-heroes rather than what could be considered boy saves princess and saves the day.
  2. I find it odd how someone is on what would be considered an EU stronghold and goes on and on about how the EU was crap. Especially on what is for the most part a KOTOR mod site.
  3. I'm not sure what is hard to understand, it's really simple from what I'm reading. The context of the film industry in the 70's was vastly different to what it is now and back then having a hero development story was different to the norm of an anti-hero.
  4. Unfortunately according to certain twitter posts TOR is not canon and is considered a separate universe by Disney which I suppose is now in line with the current EU groups demands for a separate universe. Though as I said I still take the view until it is officially recorded over it is still canon.
  5. Overall IMO TFA was a great movie production wise and felt more like the originals. However my main issue with it was the fact that they essentially had two leads rather than one strong lead. Having two leads basically split the time available for character development and I believe Ray as the only main would have made for a much stronger character. I wasn't a fan of the reuse of a giant super weapon. Adding to that last point much of the movie did feel like they were being too cautious, with the destruction of the EU they could have been bolder in trying to make up for that rather than giving out an extremely similar story. Don't get me wrong it was a great movie but as a star wars fan there are certain things I don't agree with. Kylo Ren was a weak character, I'm not entirely sure why they made him an angry sith lord rather than a calm cunning one like Sidious or Vader in OT. Now when it comes to the EU I and many other fans thoroughly enjoy the large majority of it, yes of course there are certain aspects that are questionable but again for the most part it was good. I must agree with Mutilator when he says they shouldn't have thrown all of it out though in my opinion it is not officially gone until they actually put a story over it in that time period. Please remember that the EU kept star wars alive for so many people for 25+ years and Lucas and the indepent producers of the EU worked together to ensure the continuity lined up. I understand Disney's motives but they cannot claim to be "for the fans" when they refused to have a proper review of all EU content. I remember how they claimed they did but a short time later simply said it was all out the window so that it could fit their narrative. I understand if they did that for post ROTJ and certain other aspects but so much of the EU was loved by many such as The Old Republic Era that by them releasing more stories with the same context would have resulted in increased sales and popularity. Also I have heard people say it would be too difficult for them to sift through the EU, I say that is rubbish as it is all neatly organised in central locations such as wookipedia that they could have worked with in order to ensure the more important aspects to the fans survived.