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Everything posted by thesagan

  1. Not bad, but still needs improvement. I think there should be a little 1 sec silence before "there's more..." and at least a 2 second silence before "Our alliance is finished...". Additionally, I do not think Nihilus should talk in this occasion, but if he has to, his line should be a lot less longer. Other than that, I think there should be a more pressing reason for Sion to draw out his lightsaber, other than having Nihilus utter nonsense at him. Maybe something blocking his path like ship debris falling or the catwalk virtually collapsing in front of Sion.
  2. The problem with most KOTOR bosses is that they are too alike. Lightsaber battle after lightsaber battle. If you want to make a boss stand out, go for something different. Want to make Nihilus badass? Make him like the emperor on ROTJ. No lightsaber or physical attacks. Force powers only. IMHO a real sith master has little need for trinkets and jedi weapons. He can stop a heart with a stare or fry someone to death with a bolt of lightning.