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Files posted by Tanesh

  1. Mekel Recruitment Mod (English & German)

    With this mod, you can replace Zaalbar with the Sith student Mekel on Korriban
    * the earliest point to recruit Mekel is in the Tomb of Tulak Hord
    * if you can't or don't want to recruit him right then, you can ask him to meet you later
    * Zaalbar's personal quest must be completed before Mekel can join the group; however, he will wait for you at a meeting-place on Korriban until you have finished everything
    * new Journal Entries!
    * new Dialog!
    * new Banter!
    * modified dialogs (if Mekel is in your party, he won't sound like Zaalbar)
    * new items (three quite powerful lightsabers and a robe; it depends on your behaviour how much items you will get from Mekel)
    * source scripts included
    See readme file for installing instructions.
    This mod is available in English (mekel_recruit_v.1.1.zip) and German (german_mekel_recruit_v.1.6.zip).
    I've also included the patch for cjt0202's Carth Romance Fix (also available in English and German).
    I've never used K1R so I actually don't know if this mod is compatible with it. So just to be safe, I say no, until it's confirmed otherwise by someone.
    Thanks to milestails who asked me these days to upload this old mod of mine. I wasn't aware someone could be still interested in it. Because of his nice e-mail I decided to upload all my mods here, in both language versions, so they can be enjoyed for some more years to come.


       (3 reviews)



  2. Enhanced Sith Saber (English & German)

    This mod will replace the Sith Lightsaber you find on Korriban with a fully upgradable, uniquely skinned Sith Lightsaber with special properties. For this to work, you must not disturb the Sith Statue. Otherwise,you must start a new game.
    The original mod "Enhanced Sith Saber v. 1.0" belongs to Shimaon, but he quit modding for KotOR (at least until KotOR II) and gave me permission to continue his work. So here it is.

    I never used K1R, so I actually don't know if this mod is compatible with it or not. Just to be safe, I say no, until it's confirmed otherwise by someone.
    Thanks to milestails who asked me these days to upload my old Mekel Recruitment mod here. I wasn't aware that someone would still be interested in this old mod. I decided to upload all my mods here, in both language versions, so that they can be enjoyed fo another couple of years or so.


       (2 reviews)

