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About anonymous_5535

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  1. This is mainly to ask if it is possible to further focus the lightsaber crystal even after kreia leaves the party (or directly after u did all 4 planets when she refuses to answer you anything) without using a mod? would love to know, thanks!! and on a side note, are there any benefits to playing a grey jedi character?
  2. i am having the same problem, and the link provided no longer works, help me pls? thanks!
  3. actually i am having the same problem as well, can anyone help wif this? browsed thru the forum but couldn't find a similar thread...
  4. I feel Atton and Brianna (if u're using a male char) is the best, i only ever converted bao-dur once, and due to the force restrictions it was not as easy to use. also, converting Mira into a jedi will make the hanharr battle at the end easier. same goes for brianna wif her sisters, and atton wif sion (with tslrcm patch that is). just my 2 cents worth =)