Basil Bonehead

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Posts posted by Basil Bonehead

  1. 45 minutes ago, Qui-Gon Glenn said:

    I lost a planet mod that was 2/3rds done. 

    Modules had been spliced with working area transitions. Dialog was 90% done and 60% in-game.

    I was about to start recruiting skinners to make the modules look different and somewhat related in theme (since they came from different planets), and VO talent for the major roles.

    Mandalore it was originally, then changed to Serroco. I was having difficulty tweaking Nar Shadaa in the Serroco encounter - I wanted to integrate that bit into the mod and make it the trigger for the planet quest. However, Nar Shadaa is a modder's hive of scum and villainy; editing those modules and maintaining a TSLRCM compatible AND not game-breaking mod was pushing me. But, I would have figured it out.

    Then my new NAS enclosure fornatted the RAID 0 HDDs I had everything stored on, and yeah recovery was beyond me. Modding can be painful that way.

    I still have most of the paper notes. However, the volume of work I put in will not be replicated.

    I guess losing everything made you too drained and burnt out from even thinking about restarting it?

  2. On 1/5/2019 at 9:48 PM, Thor110 said:

    I am definitely interested in this, I will unpack my modded version of BF2 at some point and a fresh copy of it ( I was working on a little mod a while back that I set aside for a while ) and was also hoping to include a lot of other good mods for an end / ultimate build of the game just like I am for my current Expanded Galaxy TSL mod.

    What exactly does the mod do, my guess is it improves the AI / Bots, which would be good to see!


    why didn't i see your post


    possible answer: i was drowned in other stuff to notice, lol. welcome aboard, now to figure out when the frag i wanna start.

    also this mod is horde mode + tower defense (sort of) + infection, you are a class of your selection fighting and defending command posts against hordes of undead bots that can turn you into one of them.

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  3. installed it, it's definitely an improvement, but this is still early in development so there's still do iron out

    like what i found:

    some of ambience sounds are placed in the wrong modules and/or missing

    some of the level transitions are still don't work

    i tried going to the upper city cantine using tar_m02ae and it takes me to the lower city cantina instead, i think the lower city cantina was cuplicated

    but again, these issues will be corrected, obviously

    • Like 1

  4. On 12/20/2018 at 8:11 AM, N-DReW25 said:

    Try the Tomb of Az'gath Indel for TSL (I think it's called that) by DarthInsidious. 


      Hide contents

    It's a content mod that starts on Onderon, a Toydarian will give you a sidequest to retrieve a Visa from a Rodian in the west merchant quarter, this Rodian will inform you he sold it to a Deveronian who's left off world to Dantooine, once you retrieve the Visa from him... or his corpse... you must give the Visa back to the Toydarian during the Onderon Civil War. Once you do that the Toydarian will reward you with a map of the Sith Tomb next to the Ebon Hawk near Tulak Hordes tomb, after doing a few puzzles and fighting a few traps you will be able to collect a few cool items the mod provides, but once you leave the tomb you are ambushed by a bounty hunter who reveals it was a trap this whole time and she planned to steal the artifact items from you that you have retrieved from the tomb because she herself couldn't face the traps and puzzles without getting killed herself.


    weird, i just go straight to korriban and find the tomb entrance, i never fully understood the purpose of the stuff on onderon, time to revisit this mod. that and Curse of the sith because, why not? might make a two for one deal again

  5. From what I've examined the modules are well ported, (accept dantooine's enclave exterior which the ruins is missing the proper door), the only things that are not working properly are level transitions, enviromental sounds and music

    I look forward to see what you have in mind for these modules for this mod

    • Like 1

  6. This'll be a tricky set of selections...




    also lol, i must of missed something to warrant a mention from you in the post because i don't remember what i asked. I've been out of the loop for a bit


    VP: My Bad, I was looking at statuses and got you mixed up with NDrew

  7. 3 hours ago, JasonRyder said:

    Why is Sherruk wearing a breath mask on a temperate world? It doesn't make sense. I'd prefer it if you simply modified his Mandalorian armor to make him look unique. 

    Well... Sherruk's original voice lines have a filter on it so you can't have a helmetless version of Sherruk

  8. I feel like the filter used for "Legends" Sherruk fits well with the rebreather mask he's wearing.

    I also guess there will be some changes done to the placeholder head texture for him? maybe give it some new details in the textures like a few more grey patches in the hair and/ or give him a different skin pigmentation to show he's aged over the years, something to add an element of making Sherruk look cold and menacing. 

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