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Everything posted by Darth_Calo

  1. Uh...I'll check to see if I have any saves from earlier in M4-78. I can think of one off the top of my head. For context this is the conversation immediately preceding what I am referring to. (During HK-47's work to clear the radiation for my protagonist, Meetra Surik, he undertook the quest to destroy a droid with the designation CS-99. He convinced the Security Droid to defer his arrest until later...and didn't return. Upon entering the Industry Control Zone, our hero is approached by the Security Droid on-duty, who is not happy.) Security Droid: Stop right there! Security Droid: Your protocol droid has attempted to escape arrest. Hand him over to the authorities. Now. Security Droid: Failing to do so will be seen as an act of assault and will be met with force. Meetra Surik: [Repair] "Droids can be rebuild. I could help in their reconstruction once M4-78 is reactivated, if I am not killed. I cannot be rebuild." In the above, it is my opinion that the word "rebuilt" should replaced the word "rebuild" in both instances. It's not game-breaking, and I'm admittedly splitting a hair here, but I just think the word "rebuilt" fits better there. Other than that I'd have to comb through the messages log in the journal/replay M4-78 with my laptop handy to take notes on, which I'll try and set aside time to do. For now, I do not wish to further hijack this thread. I sincerely apologize.
  2. I'm currently on M4-78 in my TSLRCM playthrough. I think TSL suffers more for its loss. I love the planet so far - everything I've seen has been well done. There are a few minor things (such as some spelling mistakes or grammar errors (at one point the Exile tells a combat droid trying to arrest HK-47 that they cannot "be rebuild" if they're killed attempting to prevent their droid being arrested) and dialog that doesn't entire fit ("may I ask what is your area of interest?" could be simplified to "Do you have a specific inquiry?"; a very minor thing) Other than that (and remember, what I have pointed out constitute miniscule problems in a well designed, well implemented "Expansion" of sorts), I think it's very well done. I love the plot, the dialog is funny, the voice acting -- which I am sure is at some points done by non-professional actors -- fits well into the rest of the game. The use of a Droid companion (as long as it's not G0-T0, for no reason other than my personal dislike of the G0-T0 character) I think that had M4-78 been included in Vanilla K2, the game would have been far better. Where as if I didn't know Sleheyron was cut from K1, which I didn't until I stumbled upon that knowledge recently, I wouldn't miss it.
  3. I just now made the transition from Lurker to poster solely to say this: Bravo. You've managed to breathe life into The Sith Lords. So far I've only got as far as the Fuel Depot on Peragus (as the Exile) and I've already noticed changes that you've made. I look forward to playing through to the end, experiencing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords as close to what Chris Aveline/the other Devs had envisioned as is possible. Top notch work from what I've seen so far. Top notch. Kudos to all those who contributed anything to it