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Everything posted by Legend23

  1. no, I downloaded it just yesterday, the 1.7 version + the unofficial fix
  2. hi guys, There happens to be a problem on nar shaddaa. When you have encountered the former owner of the ebon hawk and went to another area, you'll get the scene in which the ebon hawk is taken over by the red eclipse. Great scene with extra content thanks to the mod. But... When you don't directly go to the ebon hawk, but to another area, the cutscene will reappear with all the involved characters now still standing from the former scene. So you'll have double characters. Still, not a real big problem. But, when I got the second scene I decided it was smart to first clear out the ebon hawk. So I did. This happend to be OK, except twice the enemies ('cause of the double scene). When I left the Ebon Hawk, killed the eclipse, I went to the swoop area. There I received the scene again (3rd time), although I already finished the mission. I went back to the Ebon Hawk. It's empty now, still in the style of the cutscene and fight with the eclipse, which means I can't use the star map and certain area's are locked. Now I did not yet finish Nar Shaddaa, so I don't know if it will eventually fix itself, but for now it's a real bummer. And if I remember correctly you will not be placed back in the ebon hawk automaticcly, just a movie showing the ebon hawk being boarded by Goto's vessel and afterwards flying back to the dock. That'll mean i'll be stuck on Nar Shaddaa forever, or have to replay the whole game (nooooo......)! Someone got an idea? Maybe a (future) fix that will stop showing the cutscene once you've seen it?? thnx