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Everything posted by CommanderShepard

  1. If you find it, please post a link here. It seems weird to see sith lords strutting around in shirtsleeves around the Trayus Academy. Then again, maybe the exile happened to wander in on a casual Friday
  2. I haven't tried that, since i have the "Any Spell Mod" (link on OP) for just that purpose. I've used the KSE to successfully edit PC and NPC attributes, inventory, and influence. No hitches so far.
  3. KSE has been working fine for me. I've used it multiple times on multiple save files for every imaginable reason. I have the following currently installed: 1.0b patch HQ movie patch HQ Music patch TSLRCM 1.7 Unofficial 1.7 Fix Shem's Ultimate Sounds Mod Realistic Nar Shaddaa Skybox by Sharen Thrawn Goto's Window Fix by Darth Insidious Cyan Lightsaber Fix by Marius Fett Coruscant Jedi Temple by DeathDisco Better Male Bodies by Trex Movement animation fix Any Spell Mod Shem's Realistic Visual Effects Sion's Arrival to Peragus Fix 2.0 by zbyl2 Telos Shuttle Crash Movie Fix All of them linked on the OP or downloadable here (well, except for the official patches, anyway)