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Everything posted by PheonixKing3000

  1. My bad, here is the system info. Processor: Intel ® Core i7-4700MQ CPU @2.40GHz 2.40 GHz Installed memory (RAM): 12.0GB System Type: 64-bit Pperating System, x64-based processor Pen and Touch: No Pen or Touch Input is available for this DisplayGraphics Card: Intel ® HD Graphics 4600 NVIDIA GeForce GT 740 Mods: I have a lot of mods installed, not sure how I can list them all. I am playing Kotor 2.
  2. I have just started a new playthrough for KOTOR 2 and as I progressed a little bit I've noticed that the game has been slightly choppy/laggy. It's especially noticeable when I pass by smoke and mine fields, it's weird because this did not happen on my old pc. The game ran very smoothly for the most part on the older pc, also there seems to be a problem with my advanced graphics settings. When I went there I noticed that I couldn't select frame buffer effect and the soft shadows for graphics, it's just shaded out. I don't know why, but I feel like it's the main reason why I have been experiencing a fairly choppy/laggy game. The main menu is where it's the most choppy/laggy, and it's VERY bad too but when I load the actual game it's nowhere near as choppy but still fairly noticeable. How do I fix this so that I can experience a smooth playthrough like previously? And finally, whenever I try to alt=tab out of the game it screws up everything. When I leave the majority of the computer screen is covered in black except like 15% of the right side of my screen. The lower toolbar is still visible but whenever I click back into the game all the words are gone. I can move the mouse around and even hear it make that sounds it makes when you put the mouse on for example "New game" or "Load game", unfortunately the words are gone and it stays like that even when I load a game or start a new one. I have to turn off the game in order for it to return the words, which means I can't alt+tab out of the game without having to turn it off each time. I am currently using a windows 8 laptop if that helps.
  3. I play the game in many different ways, I've played LS male female, DS male and female, I've also played characters that don't really associate with any side. I used to mainly play characters who were 100% LS through and through, but I've changed a lot since those days. I generally like to play characters and shape them up to be anti heroes who make realistic choices that benefit them and the people they care about. What I mean is in the real world, sometimes you have to make tough logical choices that go against what you would want to do. My character WOULD sacrifice a planet or even 10 planets just to save even one of his crewmates, and I don't think it's a bad thing. Sure people can say it's selfish, but let me ask you this. Why should I sacrifice the people I love and care about who have been through hell with me for the sake of a bunch of mostly ungrateful strangers? Most people you save could care less about your existence, so why should I care so much about theirs? Does that make me evil? No, it's just sensible. Now if my character sees a poor refugee girl getting beaten or raped would he help? Of course he will, because he also doesn't like to see suffering either. Sometimes he/she will make decisions that contradicts their previous decisions, but that's what makes them human.
  4. I'm Pheonixking3000 and I'm new to this site. I seek to replay Kotor 2 again multiple times and I couldn't because I didn't know how to install mods on this game for this new laptop until recently. Now that I can install most of the mods I had on my other computer I can now enjoy this series once again. Anyways, I like this site and will remain here for a long time most likely.
  5. My man YOU ARE THE REAL MVP!!! Stuff worked like a charm, I put in the mod then tested it out in the game and it works beautifully!! Man thank you so much for your help bro, I have been stressing about installing these damn mods for several hours and I finally found a solution thanks to you! Now I can finish installing the mods I had previously installed on my other computer and can now replay Kotor 2 to my hearts content! Did I mention thank you? THANKS AGAIN!!!
  6. Okay I found it, so I just direct it to common and that's that right?
  7. OMG the installation app is actually performing!!! Except I'm not sure where Kotor 2 is installed since I used the steam version. Since I can't put it in the main folder nor the override folder I'm not sure where to direct it to.
  8. Ok, I think I understand what you are telling me better now. When I downloaded the 90SK file it came in as a 7z file, it is called 90sksuper.7z in my downloads. When I right click it a window pops up that gives me a list of options. On the very top of the list is 7-zip with an arrow to the right that leads to more options. In it I see three extract options, extract files..., extract file here, and extract to "90sksuper\" I'm guessing I'm suppose to choose the last option for extract? After that I run it, but I use the steam version of this game so I don't think I have a SWKotOR folder to direct it to.
  9. I guess I will give it a shot. So do I extract everything from the tslpatchdata folder including the changes.ini and info.rtf into override and then run the installation program?
  10. I'm not exactly sure what you mean. But no, I don't extract anything, I just click the mod installation program. The "tslpatchdata" folder is on top of the install.exe. and the readme file. Isn't the installation app suppose to automatically extract the mods into the correct file? That's how it worked on my old computer.
  11. I just downloaded the 90SK super content mod and whenever I try to run the installation app two windows pop up. The first one states: WARNING! Cannot locate the INI file "changes.ini" with work instructions! Then it gives me the option to click OK. After I click OK the second window pops up saying: Unable to load instructions text! Make sure the "tslpatchdata" folder containing the "info.rtf" file is located in the same folder as this application. Then it gives me the option to click OK. I click that then another window called Game Data Patcher kotOR/TSL for comes up but its blank and only gives you the option to exit. The other option says start patching but it is grayed out. So I click exit and it asks me if I wish to confirm and I click yes and then I get nothing. It's been like this for every mod I've downloaded that has an installation app that comes with it. How do I get the installation app to run? I'm currently using a HP windows 8.1 laptop if that helps. I wish I could upload the file to show you guys but this site says I'm not permitted to upload this kind of file. Nothing can ever be simple in this world...