Vaders Elite

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Everything posted by Vaders Elite

  1. Ok ill do 2 play throughs on the k2 port 1. With tslrcm 2. Without it
  2. Sir i have an Update ???? i recieved another reply from Aspyrlucy and look (note:id recomend reading the bottom message 1st because the top one is the reply) SHE DIDDNT DENY IT.i said "thanks for the tease" and she didnt DENY IT WOOHOOOOO. Also she mentioned "Thanks for your patience" this could perhaps indicate that a K2 port is close to completion and that the picture really was a leak or as ASPYR Lucy put it"a padawan mistake" Boy am i happy!????????????????????
  3. Does everyone hate the original kotor 2 without tslrcm? ill probably play the game and the re play with tslrcm
  4. 2014 one is the best i think it has 9 mods combined meaning they work simultaenously
  5. Great minds think alike. Thank u Aspyr Lucy But i hope its k2 port if not atleast an mobile port of Swbf1 or Republic commando (i can dream right?)
  6. Thank you for the links. It is sometimes hard and time consuming for me to look through the forum so I really appreciate that you took the time to find some easy-to-find threads for me.
  7. Thats why i asked for the game saveS the android port doesnt work onwards from the meeting with koboyashi! But i was hoping with your gme saves i might be able to get past the part which doesnt work (which i think is ONLY the minning facitliy) But ill check now to see if my plan works Thank you anyways i really appreciate it! XD
  8. Yeab but it takea agea to search and find the main ongoing projects Whats jorkas retexture project?
  9. so what is cuerently WIP in K1? what mods should i wait for in regards to K1?
  10. What happens after you meet koboyashi? could you fill me in story wise about what happens after you meet koboyashi uptill this game save(korriban waste)
  11. Can i have one after the whole czerka mining b.s
  12. They replied to my email Screenshot below As you can clearly see lucy didnt deny the existence of a port AND "THAT WAS A PADAWAN MISTAKE" IS THAT A TEASER OR WHAT????? WHO IS WITH ME YEEEEEEHAAAAWWWWW!!!!!!!!????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  13. Thats what i hateif it happeNs kotor 2 will come on the following platforms in this order Ipad ios mac linux and then ANDROID. thats sucks we had to wait an extra year b4 kotor 1 came and we will probably have to wait another year b4 kotor 2 comes
  14. Dnt worry about restoration mod cuz ill be porting over Revenge of revan TSLRCM k3 jedi masters for android
  15. Vaders Elite


    Hello.can someone convert this mod to k1 please.;101535 The mod is a Darth Nihilus Mask mod which i would love to use in Kotor 1. all i ask is that it is manually installable and that i can find it on a planet rather than aquiring it with cheats. so can someone please port this to k1 please ???????????????????????????????? I just want to be Nihilus in K1
  16. Same here.Itll be my 1st time.i only played kotor 1 for the 1st time when it was released on android in december.I LOVED IT.Thats is why i need that kotor 2 gimme????
  17. You and me both Buddie XD ill post up whatever the email from Aspyr Says. Also rumor is Aspyr recieved lots of emails for a kotor 2 port so fingers crossed
  18. On May 19th 2015 an ERSB picture was leaked for KOTOR 2 FOR MOBILE MACINTOSH Linux picture link below Now since may 19th.Up to 10 gaming articles have mentioned this story (of a kotor 2 mobile release.) However as the picture cleary shows.The publisher for the port is apparently ASPYR the guys who ported the Amazing Kotor 1. Yet Aspyr hasnt officially Announced Kotor 2 so i decided to Email them and ask using the evidence of the articles and the picure. Now i sent off the email yesterday and it takes 3 days for a reply so i am waiting eagerly for a reply. But the Question is: 1.Will we get a Direct port? 2.A complete port? 3.A complete Port but with Tslrcm Mod? I personally think we will get Number 1 or 2 however what i find surprising is this. Why are they releasing it on 3 platforms as opposed to 1? If it was a direct port then wouldnt we recieve it on mobile and tablets? And not Macintosh or Linux? So i think that perhaps it may be a complete port Because its on diffrent platforms! But perhaps there is a bigger picture,Maybe just a theory here but MAYBE they are suddenly RE-releasing KOTOR 1&2 to see if there is still a demand for it Because perhaps they(BIOWARE) want to make a Kotor 3 or reboot AND SO THEY are PERHAPS using KOTOR 1&2 AS GUINEA PIGS! Its crazy but itd be awesome. And remember that there are currently 4 Star wars games in production: 1.Star wars BF 2.Star wars Disney 3.0 3.Unknown Star Wars game Being made by VISCERAL GAMES 4.unknown Star Wars game Being made by BIOWARE(THIS IS WHO I THINK IS MAKING KOTOR 3 OR A REBOOT)(Id rather have a Kotor 3) Remember that the games mentioned above are definately being made or are in discussions And EA announced 1/2years ago that there are 3 Star wars games in Development which will be made by: Dice=Star wars BF Visceral Games=Unanounced title(I think either a Republic Commando 2 or 1313 type game,Maybe even a renewal of the cancelled darth maul game) Bioware=Unanounced title(Its definately going to be an RPG thats positive.I think KOTOR 3 I PRAY) Again just my theory but i hope we get kotor 2 on android! News article below for Kotor 2:
  19. Hello everyone. i was just wondering if someone could upload a game save for this mod which takes place... SPOILERS BELOW That takes place after you meet shadow.After you meet the dude in the cantina on korriban where you need to get into the minning facility. i need a game save which takes place after the korriban minning facility and i need a game save which is just before Lord Revan and Mandalore fight! SPOLIERS END so can anyone give me those 2 specific game saves. Thanks