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10 Jedi Padawan

About S.e.M

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  1. That's right. You'll just have to bare with it for time being.
  2. Kotor save game editor. Start it up and open one of your save games in it(back them up before that). Afterwards follow Hassat Hunter's instructions.
  3. Figures... Shame on me. Thanks, it worked.
  4. Hi Guys. First of all let me extend my thanks to the whole crew for making this mod. I haven’t played this game since my very first playtrough back in the day when it came out! Needles to say, I was so disappointed at sheer nonsensicalness of the game’s finale that I wouldn’t play it ever again. As soon as I found out about the cut content I decided to put the game away and not sell it and wait for the restoration project(s). After my LS male/female playthrough I just have to congratulate you on a job well done. Both went almost without a hitch (Though, I did run into that same issue one of the posters already reported, when I download hk50’s behavior core the game crashes). All in all, the mod really made a difference for me, loved every bit of it. Then I played the DS male and run into a game stopper bug. In sith attack on telos I come to hangar doors, mandalore and visas show up, the video of republic fleet starts but then I get the black screen, the game won’t progress to the battle of telos or ravager (not sure which comes first). I can exit the game normally and even start up convo with mandalore , the “common” one, all the while the screen is pitch black. All of the mods that I’ve installed are texture replacers except for Improved AI (in case you wondering, yeah I did encounter Naar Shaddaa bug with Bao Dur, but only in my LS female playthrough and not in the LS male one). If there is a workaround for this bug, even if it means using moding tools , just brief me as I would love to finish this game with my DS male. If you need anything from me, like saves etc, that will spare you the trouble as much as possible just ask. Thanks again… p.s. I have TSLRCM 1.7 + the Fix