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Everything posted by Heartseeker

  1. Make no mistake I'm not suggesting these should be added in TSLRCM as I'm aware that it's purpose is to "restore content" not to add any. But if anyone working on such an Extra Content Mod (preferably compatible with TSLRCM) to create a more full, more alive atmosphere, I'd be more than happy to help out by sharing my opinion.
  2. There's also a huge empty chamber in Nar Shaddaa at the Docks area, it can be entered through a security door just in front of Fassa, and also it has a second entrance just next to door of Vogga's place. It looks like a control center of some sort, with a hall and two rooms but completely empty.
  3. Glad if I could change your perspective on this matter. A lot meaning lays hidden under the details of the scenes we watch on movies
  4. Okay now I tried everything. Won't work, it never happened to me before. According to KSE my influence is 98 and I have sparred with her 2 times. I'm currently at Nar Shaddaa (Peragus-->Telos--->Dantooine--->Nar Shaddaa is my progress) I'm level 18 but she refuse to to spar with me for the 3rd time keeps saying "i do not think you are ready for further instruction" bla bla. I think some sort of bug happened cause I remember having her as a Jedi with me on Nar Shaddaa with same progress in my other playthroughs. How do I fix this ? If I need to change some numerics in Globals with KSE I can do that, but I'm not sure which one to alter. Can anyone help me out ? EDIT: I had to load from a save file before landing on Nar Shaddaa, put me back for couple of hours of play time but I could finally made her Jedi. The problem was caused by "Prestige Class" selection. For some reason if I spar her for the 2nd time after choosing my Prestige Class, something goes wrong and I can make her Jedi at level 19 instead of 18. So I sparred her before choosing Prestige Class and then land on Nar Shaddaa, hit level 18 and it worked just fine. Maybe a one time issue but I'm writing it here so if it ever happens to anyone else maybe it would provide some help.
  5. I agree that there a lot unfinished parts in the game. It could've been much more than it is right now, I mean thanks to TSLRCM there's lots of improvement for story but generally the game feels empty. And Nar Shaddaa especially the most. It was supposed to be a big, crowded place, people walking around everywhere, gangs pressure refugees, poors and beggars at every corner, lots of people in need of aid, desperately awaiting some savior, in this scenerio ofcourse, the Last of the Jedi. But instead we get 3 beggar at the very begining of the game asking for coins (influence oppurtunity) and then the Refugee Landing Path, a huge emptiness in a place that supposed to be crowded or at least looks crowded. I'm not suggesting there should be more NPC aimlessly walking around, but there should be more stuff around the streets, garbages, broken droids, speeder parts, junk piles where some people trying to scavange everything they can. Perhapds a side quest item inside all the garbage, not broad empty streets, that doesn't feel right. There are A LOT of empty rooms, which in a place supposed to be such crowded it's a bit absurd. Refugee sector is also crying out for more side quests, everyone should be in need of something here, be it few credits, to some other items maybe, sick might ask for medpacks, some might be fighting over a place (those container like places) and your aid might be needed to solve the problem etc .. Also Gang issues here is too easily solved. You don't have to be smart about it just bash in a gang territory (too easy if you already have a lightsaber) cut your way through to their leader, kill them (works for LS and DS both, gang or not, outright killing shouldn't be a LS solution I think but usually they attack "you" so there's nothing to do but self-defense, but a Jedi should know a better way to solve this without resorting to violence) and quest done. There should be difficulties for meeting Gang leaders. Maybe little errands, quests for you to gain their trust before you can meet them. A bit more "sense" needed in the game at some parts. Cantina and Pazaak Den is also in desperate need of more content. More people to play, more trouble to have (if you ask any). Nar Shaddaa is a bad place, fight or die, take or lose, you have to be smart to stay alive in a place like this, oppurtunity rarely visits this city and when it does, you have to know the quickest way to take it. Streetwise is everything. The NPCs around here should carry this spirit, not just cry for help, they would do anything to get out of this place. Anyway just some stuff comes my mind about Nar Shaddaa.
  6. Hahahaha I almost spill my coffee on the keyboard when HK-47 said Stephen Hawking's line! Truer words were never spoken.
  7. I don't think so. Obi-Wan never wanted things to end up like this. He didn't wanted to face Anakin as he told to Master Yoda, he was afraid if he couldn't find the strength to face his former apprentice-who was more like a brother to him-in mortal combat. He tried to reason with Anakin on Mustafar before combat and during the combat. And at the last moment, Obi-Wan wanted to finish their duel without striking him down he stated that "he had the high ground" which was a great advantage in blade-to-blade combat, and he knew what Anakin was going to do, leap on him with all his strength. But Anakin was tired, from over using his strentgh as he was fighting in Djem So technique. Obi-Wan on the other hand was defensive on Anakin, as he didn't wanted to kill him, he used his mastered form Soresu and instead of landing strong blows he simply parried and dodged his attacks without requiring to rely much on his strength, sometimes mixed his defensive style with acrobatic stlye of Ataru but only to match with Anakin's powerful, fast and relentless attacks. Anakin was all on offense, trying to dominate the duel between them his style was placed a heavy focus on brute strength and pure power, with wide, powerful strikes and parries followed immediately by counterattacks. He was also using Ataru technique at some parts, with utilizing Force Jump and Speed. Much like a Sith would do. In the end Obi-Wan knew Anakin was tired. And he was going to desperately leap on him (fooled by his own overconfidence) Obi-Wan begged Anakin "not to try it" but when he did Obi-Wan saw his opening and at that point he either was going to let himself killed or do what he must and he made a Mou kei move, a circular attack aiming major limbs of the opponents especially against incoming aerial attackers. But had Obi-Wan choosed a wrong stance he would be incapaciated by Lord Vader's leaping strike. I believe Obi-Wan only did what he must. Had he succeed killing Anakin, rather leave his fate to the Force by leaving him burning on the ground, the fate of the galaxy would be much different. His act of mercy however, only made things worse, Vader relentlessly hunt Obi-Wan down during the Great Jedi Purge. But it was his destiny, cause in the end, Anakin did restore the balance of the Force.
  8. There were many Sith Lords assumed this form, like Marka Ragnos, Ajunta Pall, Naga Sadow, Freedon Nadd and the list goes on. They infact are the responsibles for the fall of some of the greatest Jedi. Such as Exar Kun whom seduced by Freedon Nadd's Force Ghost and embraced the dark side inside Nadd's tomb in Dxun. Not all Jedi dissappered upon the moment of being one with the Force. Qui-Gon Jinn's body was cremated but he came back from as a Force Ghost, in fact he was the first "recent" Jedi used this technique he then thought Master Yoda and he thought to Obi-Wan. Note that not all Jedi become Force Ghost by their "greatness" or "heroism". Some become so through virtue, and understanding of the Force. To put it simply, imagine a Jedi understand the Force and it's way, as well as this Force Ghost technique so well, they can manipulate their body, to disintigrate and their souls to merge with the Force. By doing so they prevent their mortal body from strike down by their enemies, they simply "will their body" to dissolve and vanish and their souls (or essence or mind whatever you name it) to become a part of the Force. They simply leave their mortal bodies behind, and move on to the another existance, an existance between Life and Afterlife. One can also learn how to be a Force ghost even after being killed. The whole "dissolve of the body" is simply a matter of choice. A Jedi can be choose to fight to death and become one with the Force after dying (providing he knows this technique or his understands Force enough to will it) or instead of fight to the end, when they see the they can not win or simply because they feel it's the right moment to do so, they can choose to leave the mortal existance and go on to the next state. Such as Obi-Wan did. I understand your confusion but Ulic repent for all the evil he had done and during his dying moments Ulic asked for forgiveness, and redemption much like Anakin Skywalker's last moments, and thus he became one with the Force. Just because he's cut off from Force doesn't mean the Force is not there inside him. The Force flows through ALL life and it's everywhere. Besides it should be noted that Vima Sunrider said: Ulic Qel-Droma was unable to feel the Force, but he had the heart of a Jedi. By training Vima allowed Ulic to free himself of his guilty conscience, and at the end of his life Ulic finally forgave himself, reflecting on the good he had done and perhaps it is why he could became one with the Force. So his becoming one with the force was a bit mysterious for everyone, but then again the Force itself is mysterious.
  9. It's suprising she could even resist those teachings of Sith Holocron while she's emotionally and mentally fragile, afraid and all alone. I think her willpower hints that she could be a great Jedi one day, if only she could be trained properly. Agreed. Personally Battle of Khoonda goes far too easy (LS version) with everyone recruited and with a Jedi on their side. But that's technicality, in reality (as far as story concerned) Battle of Khoonda was much harder, and Militia was outnumbered greatly by Mercenaries, hence why they had to retreat inside claiming "They lost too many men" even if you lost none of them. So at that desperate moments, Keavee's help as a force sensitive, a padawan with a training in the use of the Force and Lightsaber could be invaluable. She could be convinced to help defend Khoonda, maybe to atone her crimes (thefts), similar like Akkere's redemption. She could also be taken, and actually she should have been taken on Ebon Hawk, cause in KotOR II Jedi are almost wiped out, and the galaxy is in desperate need of Jedi, that is why the Exile trains more than one apprentice at the same time, which is unsual for Jedi. So why abandon a Padawan who already taken some basic training and desperate to find a master ? But ofcourse it's impossible to take her aboard, considering companion list is full and she had no place in later parts of the story. It might be possible to put her in some part of the Ebon Hawk as an NPC, but what good would it make I wonder.. That's another odd reality. Even if we could direct her to Master (anyone from the "Lost Jedi" list) Kreia would eventually destroy them. And that is why I believe Kreia should at least say something when we found Kaevee. Maybe protest (possibly only to Exile's ears) that taking her with them would do no good, as the future is and the force bla bla bla you know usual cryptic Kreia words (although no disrespect, I love her dialogs). I just believe that a LS Exile wouldn't leave her on her own, unless manipulated by Kreia. I believe KotOR III was cancelled. Instead we'll have SWTOR, which is will be a MMORPG.
  10. Force Ghost is one of the most powerful state one can achieve in the SW universe. As a jedi tradition, death is a part of life, and they're encouraged not to fear it, but embrace it, accept it when one's time comes. Hence the code "There's no death: There's the Force". But it can easily understood as when one's life ends, they become one with the force, like if they move on to heaven and such. But it's actually more than that, as it's hints a secret of "immortality" through becoming a Force entity, interact with anyone, anywhere in the galaxy and can not be harmed in any way. Imagine the wisdom one could gain in such form through the centuries or millenias of existance, which is not possible otherwise. How can one be defeated by an enemy when in this form ? Any mortal enemy can be eventually strike down and killed, theyir resources can be crippled, forced to yield if can not be killed, but a Force Ghost is invulnerable and it's patience is eternal. They can even contiune to train apprentices in this state, they can guide them and watch over them all the time, perhapds even better than they could when they were alive. But it's should be noted that this even this state was temporary, as it's only a technique that allows force sensitives to keep their existance between life and afterlife, when the time comes (though it's varies) they shall move on to Netherworld of the Force, thus completing the cycle.
  11. I'm currently at this quest, I have missed in my previous run with TSLRCM 1.6 this time with the new version I want to finish it. I was wondering is there no way to direct her to a Jedi Master or the "There are no one to teach. Anywhere" answer is the only reply that can be given to her, even though I told her that there are Jedi around but in hiding. Cause I found Master Vrook already and he's not far away, but seems like telling her to train on her own "free of rules" is the only way ?
  12. Okay thanks. I just thought if I accidentally corrupted a file, a data and such that it might trigger bigger problems later in the game, had similar bad experiences in other games when installing various mods on them so just wanted to be sure.
  13. Well, this is gonna be my first post here so I'd like to say hello everyone. I heard about some restoration projects ever since the game first released but none of them seemed to be complete anytime near this century, however I found here by pure luck while surfing around the net and I played 1.6 and really enjoyed it, so I'd like to thank everyone worked on this project. Anyway, here's my problem: I've finished the game with 1.6 installed without any problems, sadly 1.7 released by the time I was in final chapter and I decided to play one more time. I installed 1.7 along with "Coruscant Jedi Temple" mod and "Improved Sound" mods wich all were listed to be compatible here on the forums. And now the Launcher does not launch.. I mean how silly is that ? I uninstalled everything, game itself, the mods and all. I re-installed again tried to launch vanilla still same. re-installed only TSLRCM 1.7 but same again. When I launch the game through launcher it's exe runs on background forcing CPU to run at %100 thus criplling the performance of the PC. I can play the game through it's own exe without launcher though my only concern is that will this cause any other problem later or safe to play this way, cause I can live without Launcher. Is this happened to anyone before? I'm not sure if it's related to TSLRCM or other sub-mods I have installed, but it used to work just fine and I'm trying to figure out what happened and how to fix it. Thanks. PS: If I uninstall those extra mods would be still safe for me to continue my saved game ? I'm currently about to exit the Harbinger (Peragus) and I really don't wanna play that part all over again. I think changing music files shouldn't be a problem, but I'm more concerned about Coruscant Academy one.