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About Blackness

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    Jedi Initiate
  1. I'm curious, could it have something to do with killing the masters instead of sparing them? I've played light side without any issues to speak of a couple of times, but in my first dark side playthrough I get this. Just a thought...
  2. Thank you! May I ask, did you figure out what caused it? Is it something I can avoid doing in the future?
  3. This is just after getting to Telos, do you want one from earlier? 000028 -
  4. Hello there! I've been enjoying playing through this great game again but now I've run into a pretty nasty bug. I've just gotten Force Crush and upon returning to the Ebon Hawk I get Atton's speech about Kreia being a Sith. After that I get cutscenes of the Ebon Hawk first leaving Dantooine then landing at Telos Academy. At this point, I regain control of the Exile and can explore an abandoned Academy. No handmaidens, no HK-50's, nothing. TSLRCM 1.8.2 + M4-78EP, no other mods. Playing the Steam version in windowed mode. I tried the KSE but I couldn't get it to work. Vrook was the last master I fought and I didn't get a proper cutscene with him, could that be the culprit? I would really appreciate help with this, as I'm having great fun playing TSL again and would very much like to finish this playthrough.