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Everything posted by maltron66
I do not understand why you think that what you said (that you were proud of me) sounded weird and had to apologise for saying it. I mean, I can only be proud that senpai has noticed me (I thing I'm actually starting to get the hang of this modding business). xD And besides, you've provided help everytime I desperately needed it. There's nothing to apologise for. Also... I just extracted and put the "k_def_user_heal.ncs" script in the override. Now the maintenance droids heal other bots AND blow up when they die. These little buggers work flawlessly now. Everything's as it should be... except for the HK-50s, of course, but like I said, this has nothing to do with me or my mod, and even if I was to try and fix it, I'd have to know what's wrong. And if someone like you says they have no idea what's causing it, my chances of fixing this myself are pretty low. I've got an idea though. I'll try to replace the templates of the 3 "faulty" HK-50s with templates of other HK-50 units, do some editing and then see if this changes anything (most likely not, but it's worth a shot). Maybe I'll make a thread (yep, another one, again) on the TSLRCM bug report section like Kex pointed out to report this problem if I don't figure it out myself. Maybe Hassat Hunter or Varsity Puppet know what causes this bug to occur.
Fair Strides: Before I tell you, let me give you all a little update on the situation: I got the drones to work. The reason they wouldn't work before is the following: after examining the template of the maintenance drones (it's the g_assassindrd009.utc file found in the 102per and 103per modules) and cross examining it with other character templates, I gathered that the maintenance drones use a different OnSpawn script than most characters do: I think it's called k_def_spawn_heal. This is the script that actually makes the drones heal other bots when they take damage. The reason why it wouldn't work is because that script is included in the 102per and 103per modules, but NOT in the override, which explains why the maintenance drones I placed in the 298tel module wouldn't work: the game couldn't load and run the drones' most important script because it was neither in the override nor in the 298.tel module! But after I extracted that script and placed it in the override, bingo-the drones would now work properly! There's still that minor issue of the drones not playing their proper death animation when they die (ie blow up). They will still fade away after all enemies are dead instead of blowing up like they should. Maybe you can help me with this one, FS? And of course, there's always the issue of the "friendly" HK-50s. I double checked their template files: all of them are set to neutral faction. I don't know what's causing them to attack enemy droids. But that's for the TSLRCM team to find out, not me. ;( ... Maybe they should just leave it be. While it makes no sense, I gotta admit it makes for some hilarious gameplay when you see the HK-50s destroy their own combat droids. I did another test run yesterday: the 50s got so worked up, they actually started running around the facility, opening the force fields and destroyed every hostile in the module. I destroyed the enemies in the munitions room and the HK-50s stormed the communications room and the reactor room and destroyed everything there. And after that, it got even more funny when I started talking to them. The conversation was more like a parody: 2 of the HK-50s were in the communications room, the other one was near the reactor and sometimes the camera would be fixed on the area where they originally were, which was now empty. Stuff got messed up. xD
Kex, I forgot to mention this, but I actually checked all the HK-50 templates for the 298tel module and they were all set to neutral. When I first experienced this bug, I thought the exact same thing yoi did, but after checking the faction they've been set to (neutral), I'm at loss. I'll check again to see if there's something I'm missing.
After releasing the first part of my Enhanced Enemies project (which enhances the enemies you fight in Peragus), I immediately started working on the second part of this project: This time, I'm trying to enhance the enemies you face as 47 during the attack on the HK factory on Telos. Apart from the Telos Military Droids, the Sentry Droids and the Probe Droids that already exist in the 298tel module (the military base sub-level), I decided to throw in some new turrets, some Mark I and Mark IV Assault Droids... and some stupid maintenance drones (you know, the ones you encounter on Peragus, the ones that heal enemy mining droids). So after everything is complete, I test that part and everything is looking great, except for one thing. The maintenance drones are not doing what they're supposed to, ie heal the enemy droids when they take damage. Instead, they just come right at my face and just float there, doing nothing. Why is this happening? Aren't the maintenance drones supposed to heal any kind of droids? Or are they supposed to heal only the mining droids you fight at Peragus? One more thing that I noticed is that, when I destroy the maintenance drones, they do not blow up like they do at Peragus. Instead, they just stay there until they fade away after I destroy all nearby enemies and end combat mode. I don't know if this has to do anything with the drones not healing the enemy bots, but I think I should mention that cuz it's a little weird. Speaking of weird... As I was playing through the HK factory, I noticed 2 things that are weirding me out: Remember the HK-50s near the munitions room, the ones that gun down 3 protocol droids? I found some kind of bug that I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with my mod (I don't see how it can be related to that, since I haven't made any changes to the HK-50s yet). The bug is the following: If you lure the 2 Probe droids that are located in the munitions room near the aforementioned group of HK-50s, the HK-50s will open fire at the probe droids and will even spread out to destroy any enemy droids you might have left alive in this area. Now, although I love the feeling of having 3 HK-50s and HK-47 dominate some poor combat and sentry droids, I'm afraid it doesn't make any sense, since the enemy here is 47 (aka YOU) so the HK-50s shouldn't have to fight FOR you. I also tried to lure some enemies near the HK-50s located near the communications console, right in front of the entrance to the HK manufacturing plamt (don't ask me how I did that-I had to use cheats to open doors that normally can't be unlocked before shutting down the reactor in order to reach those 3 HK-50s). These HK-50s would NOT help me out against the enemy combat droids at all. Which is really weird becauss: if these HK-50s do not do anything to help you out against the enemy bots (which makes sense), then why are the other 3 HK-50s fighting for you? And finally, one quick note: it appears that one of the HK-50 templates has a false soundset: Instead of the HK47_K2 soundset that all HK-50s have, there's one HK-50 that has a Kath Hound soundset (can't remember which one at the moment-I'll get back to you on that). What gives?
@GNihilus2: Umm... Actually, I don't remember why this mod needs the TSLRCM to work. I know, it sounds ridiculous, but I made this mod 3 years ago, even though I decided to release it just now. @Domino5555 The Disciple sucks. I'd choose Brie over him anytime. But why are you asking about him? (Love your username, btw. I see what you did there, Fives. )
I'm planning on continuing this mod for more enemies in other areas. I'm currently working on an area that very few people experiment on: the HK factory. I'm determined to make this part the most epic part in the entire game. And yes, a veteran player can still play through Peragus with my mod and not have much trouble defeating the enhanced enemies, but it's sure not a walk in the park anymore.
View File Enhanced Enemies - Peragus After having finished this game a dozen times, I realized that some parts of it were ridiculously easy, so I decided to create a major mod that will modify almost every enemy character template file to make the enemies you face much stronger and therefore harder to beat. If you intent to install this mod, I strongly suggest that you also download and install my “Ultimate Party” mod too. These 2 are meant to work perfectly together. This is the first part of my project, which aims to enhance the enemies you face at the Peragus Mining Facility. Submitter maltron66 Submitted 12/10/2016 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible
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File Name: Ultimate Party Mod File Submitter: maltron66 File Submitted: 10 Dec 2016 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes What this mod does is take your companions to the next level by modifying their original attributes, skills, feats, force powers, force points and health (by modifying each character's .utc file), as well as the vitality and force points they earn per level up (by modifying the classes.2da file). Almost each character has received a major buff to their original health. Only a few retain their original health amount and only 2 party members will see their original vitality points decrease (T3 and the Remote, to be exact). You will also see that some characters might have some unique feats that they don't have in the actual game. For example, Atton now has the "Echani Strike I" feat, a feat that's restricted to the Handmaiden only. Why's that? If you recall at one point, we learn from the Handmaiden sisters that Atton has received basic training in Echani fighting, and we also see this cutscene with Atton and Brianna play out, where Brie questions Atton about his Echani training. Another example would be the fact that Bao-Dur now has the "Droid Trick" and "Scramble Droid" feats that were previously restricted to G0-T0 only (I thought that Bao-Dur, being the awesome engineer that he is, would have constructed some sort of device that can mess with hosile droids' behavior, just like G0-T0 can). Another example is the fact that Canderous can now wield a lightsaber (because he is a badass), thanks to the "Weapons Proficiency: Lightsaber" feat I've added to his template. You want more? Mira can now equip Implants, just like Canderous (she's a bounty hunter, I bet she is familiar with implants and stuff). One last example? HK can now use stealth mode, thanks to the "Personal Cloaking Shield" feat that is restricted to G0-T0 in the actual game (it's high time someone took care of that-the only characters that cannot enter stealth mode in the original game are the Remote, T3 and HK, and while it makes sense for T3 and the Remote, since they're utility droids, it's a mystery why HK cannot use stealth, since he's a goddamn ASSASSIN DROID!). If you want to find out more about the changes I've made to each character, you can view them in detail by checking the readme's located in the "readme's" folder. Click here to download this file
File Name: HK and Mira Relocated File Submitter: maltron66 File Submitted: 10 Dec 2016 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes This is my first mod. Nothing too special. Basically, what this mod does is move HK-47 to the engine room and Mira to the lab station room in the Ebon Hawk, as indicated in the screenshots found inside the "screenshots" folder. I believe there were many areas in the ship that felt empty and others that were too crowded, so I decided to rearrange some of the characters' whereabouts. This mod requires TSLRCM 1.8 to work. Click here to download this file
File Name: Bye Bye Goto File Submitter: maltron66 File Submitted: 10 Dec 2016 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes A little mod I created out of boredom, mainly for consistency reasons. Remember the last part of the game, where you play as Bao-Dur's Remote and your objective is to power up the mass shadow generator in order to destroy Malachor, but then that douchebag G0-T0 appears and prevents you from completing your mission, only for HK-47 to arrive and ultimately decide the fate of Malachor? If you do remember that part, then you also remember that there are 3 alternative ways the particular scene could play out: 1) G0-T0 scrambles HK's systems and tricks him into destroying the Remote, 2) A bunch of HK-51s arrive to assist G0-T0 against 47 OR 3) The 51s assist 47 instead and help their predecessor destroy G0-T0. Now, I don't know about you, but I always get the third ending, since I always reactivate the 51s when I'm raiding the HK factory as 47 (I might be a hardcore light-sided player, but reactivating the 51s instead of shutting them down completely, along with the 50s, that's my guilty dark-sided pleasure ). SO, imagine my confusion when I witness 47 and the 51s destroy G0-T0 but then return to my PC, go to the party selection screen and realise that G0-T0 is still a member of my party, even though he's dead. This is exactly what this mod fixes: if you get the third ending, G0-T0 is automatically removed from your party once he's killed, as indicated in the screenshot found in the "screenshots" folder. I have no idea why anyone would be interested in a screenshot, but since there are many people out there who constantly ask for screenshots of everything, I wasted 5 minutes of my life to make one (not a big loss for me, I was bored anyway ). Again, nothing big, but it serves to add a tiny amount of consistency to the game. This mod requires TSLRCM 1.8 to work. Click here to download this file
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Need help on the populate function
maltron66 replied to maltron66's topic in General Kotor/TSL Modding
Okay, removed the TRUE parameter aaand it works! Once again, thank you Fair Strides! Hmm... you say that this TRUE parameter is nowhere in the example.nss script? That doesn't seem to be the case for me: there actually is a TRUE parameter in my example.nss file. Maybe I added it there myself back when I first started messing around with the populate function and then I forgot to delete it and I kept this TRUE parameter there the whole time. But I highly doubt that I would edit the original file, let alone throw a random parameter in there whose parameter's purpose beats me (dunno what that TRUE parameter is supposed to do). But then again, if you say that there ISN'T a TRUE parameter in timbob12's example.nss script and that's final... it's probably my doing. Anyway, thanks again! And sorry for taking me this long to reply! -
After having finished this game a dozen times, I realized that some parts of it were ridiculously easy, so I decided to create a major mod that will modify almost every enemy character template file to make the enemies you face much stronger and therefore harder to beat. If you intent to install this mod, I strongly suggest that you also download and install my “Ultimate Party” mod too. These 2 are meant to work perfectly together. This is the first part of my project, which aims to enhance the enemies you face at the Peragus Mining Facility. -
What this mod does is take your companions to the next level by modifying their original attributes, skills, feats, force powers, force points and health (by modifying each character's .utc file), as well as the vitality and force points they earn per level up (by modifying the classes.2da file). Almost each character has received a major buff to their original health. Only a few retain their original health amount and only 2 party members will see their original vitality points decrease (T3 and the Remote, to be exact). You will also see that some characters might have some unique feats that they don't have in the actual game. For example, Atton now has the "Echani Strike I" feat, a feat that's restricted to the Handmaiden only. Why's that? If you recall at one point, we learn from the Handmaiden sisters that Atton has received basic training in Echani fighting, and we also see this cutscene with Atton and Brianna play out, where Brie questions Atton about his Echani training. Another example would be the fact that Bao-Dur now has the "Droid Trick" and "Scramble Droid" feats that were previously restricted to G0-T0 only (I thought that Bao-Dur, being the awesome engineer that he is, would have constructed some sort of device that can mess with hosile droids' behavior, just like G0-T0 can). Another example is the fact that Canderous can now wield a lightsaber (because he is a badass), thanks to the "Weapons Proficiency: Lightsaber" feat I've added to his template. You want more? Mira can now equip Implants, just like Canderous (she's a bounty hunter, I bet she is familiar with implants and stuff). One last example? HK can now use stealth mode, thanks to the "Personal Cloaking Shield" feat that is restricted to G0-T0 in the actual game (it's high time someone took care of that-the only characters that cannot enter stealth mode in the original game are the Remote, T3 and HK, and while it makes sense for T3 and the Remote, since they're utility droids, it's a mystery why HK cannot use stealth, since he's a goddamn ASSASSIN DROID!). If you want to find out more about the changes I've made to each character, you can view them in detail by checking the readme's located in the "readme's" folder. -
A little mod I created out of boredom, mainly for consistency reasons. Remember the last part of the game, where you play as Bao-Dur's Remote and your objective is to power up the mass shadow generator in order to destroy Malachor, but then that douchebag G0-T0 appears and prevents you from completing your mission, only for HK-47 to arrive and ultimately decide the fate of Malachor? If you do remember that part, then you also remember that there are 3 alternative ways the particular scene could play out: 1) G0-T0 scrambles HK's systems and tricks him into destroying the Remote, 2) A bunch of HK-51s arrive to assist G0-T0 against 47 OR 3) The 51s assist 47 instead and help their predecessor destroy G0-T0. Now, I don't know about you, but I always get the third ending, since I always reactivate the 51s when I'm raiding the HK factory as 47 (I might be a hardcore light-sided player, but reactivating the 51s instead of shutting them down completely, along with the 50s, that's my guilty dark-sided pleasure ). SO, imagine my confusion when I witness 47 and the 51s destroy G0-T0 but then return to my PC, go to the party selection screen and realise that G0-T0 is still a member of my party, even though he's dead. This is exactly what this mod fixes: if you get the third ending, G0-T0 is automatically removed from your party once he's killed, as indicated in the screenshot found in the "screenshots" folder. I have no idea why anyone would be interested in a screenshot, but since there are many people out there who constantly ask for screenshots of everything, I wasted 5 minutes of my life to make one (not a big loss for me, I was bored anyway ). Again, nothing big, but it serves to add a tiny amount of consistency to the game. This mod requires TSLRCM 1.8 to work. -
This is my first mod. Nothing too special. Basically, what this mod does is move HK-47 to the engine room and Mira to the lab station room in the Ebon Hawk, as indicated in the screenshots found inside the "screenshots" folder. I believe there were many areas in the ship that felt empty and others that were too crowded, so I decided to rearrange some of the characters' whereabouts. This mod requires TSLRCM 1.8 to work. -
Hey guys! It’s me again! But this time, I’m back with a more serious issue that needs to be taken care of (well, the issue here is more complex than modifying .2da files or item equipping or finding why my game wouldn’t get rid of some old force powers when I started a new game on a fresh installation). This time, I need some help regarding a script function. The “populate” function, to be precise. In case you don’t know what I’m referring to (although I’m pretty sure that everyone knows), the “populate” function is a function that allows you to fill an area with a number of NPC’s. It was created by TimBob12 (bead-v is also credited for the creation of the random number generation script). I really feel like making some scripts to fill areas in K2 that feel kinda empty. But I can’t get the damn thing to work. That’s where you experienced scripters come in. But since I don’t want to be a complete freeloader and ask you guys to just fix my script… first, let me show you what I’ve come up with so far. This is going to be a long thread, so bear with me here. First off, TimBob12 says that you must place the “populate.nss” file (I believe that most of you know what this script looks like, if not I can upload it here) into the override folder of your game and then add the line: #include “populate” …at the beginning of any script you want to make that needs to use the populate.nss to function. So I dump the “populate.nss” file into the override. So far so good. Then, Timbob12 says that you must lay an imaginary square over the area where you want to spawn the NPC’s in, so you must find the coordinates of the 4 corners. So I used the “FindMe” force power included in glovemaster’s “Handy Force Powers” mod to get the coordinates. These are coordinates: Module: 209tel > x: -16.60695 > y: -21.34457 > z: 0.00000 > Orientation: 152.50148 > Bearing: 2.66165 Module: 209tel > x: -16.61303 > y: -36.33560 > z: 0.00000 > Orientation: 229.96750 > Bearing: -2.26950 Module: 209tel > x: -3.46961 > y: -36.34074 > z: 0.00000 > Orientation: 336.61649 > Bearing: -0.40812 Module: 209tel > x: -3.87654 > y: -21.34748 > z: 0.00000 > Orientation: 74.13472 > Bearing: 1.29389 (In case you were wondering, these are coordinates recorded from the Czerka Offices in Telos. Specifically, they are the coordinates of the 4 corners of the room where Jana Lorso is.) Timbob12 says that you don’t actually need the z, Orientation and Bearing coordinates, just the x’s and y’s and not all of them. You only need to find the highest and the lowest values for the x’s and the y’s. Then, you must create a line in your script where you declare the template and the amount of NPC’s you want to spawn and specify the x and y coordinates of the imaginary square you want to spawn them in. This is the line: Populate(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Tag, TRUE); ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ int Amount int xMin int xMax int yMin int yMax string Tag So, now that I’ve given you the background of the situation, it’s time to show you what I’ve done so far. This is what my original script looked like: #include "populate" void main() { string Tag = "czerka_employ001"; Populate(4, -16.61303, -3.46961, -36.34074, -21.34457, Tag, TRUE); } (What I seek to do here is spawn 4 Czerka Employees inside Lorso’s office.) So I paste this on the KOTOR Tool’s Text Editor, hit “compile” and the machine starts loading all the necessary .nss files to perform the operation. All is fine, until the following error message appears: “Error: Type mismatch in parameter 2 in call to “Populate”.” After some time, I figured out that, what the machine didn’t “like” was the decimals. Since I had declared all values to be integer-type, they shouldn’t have any decimals or the script wouldn’t be compiled. So after that, I fixed my script, which is what I have now: #include "populate" void main() { string Tag = "czerka_employ001"; Populate(4, -16, -3, -36, -21, Tag, TRUE); } One would think that this looks fine, but now the machine is giving me a different error message: “Error: Too many arguments specified in call to “Populate”.” This is the point where I’m stuck now. I have no idea what this message means, and I do not know how to fix whatever problem’s causing it. And now, this is the part where you must step in and tell me what I’m doing wrong and tell me how to fix it. Ideas?
The game is being a troll...
maltron66 replied to maltron66's topic in Knights of the Old Republic General
Kex: I'm glad to hear that someone doesn't think I just made that up! Perhaps I chose my words poorly when I said that this "mystery" patcher is not the TSLPatcher. I meant to say that it's not the exact same version, it wasn't the very commonly used TSLPatcher with just a different .exe name like Paramedic pointed out. As it turns out, it's an earlier version, which means that it IS the TSLPatcher, but it's not THE most common version of it. In the end of the day, we were both right. Well, you guys were more right than I was, but at least I wasn't just babling nonsense. xD And no worries about the stupid part-I know that I'm stupid (I believe that we all are to some degree), I just meant to say that even someone like me can tell when a mod uses the Patcher to be installed... Although I believe that searching for a folder named "tslpatchdata" within a mod is kinda...well, stupid. I mean, all you need to do is check if there's an executable file that must be used in order for the mod to be installed. What this .exe is named and whether it's the new or the old TSLPatcher is irrelevant. Side-note: Sorry for triple posting, Sith Holocron! That was unintentional, believe me. Won't happen again:) -
The game is being a troll...
maltron66 replied to maltron66's topic in Knights of the Old Republic General
DeadMan: Aha! I expected it to be some sort of variation of the TSLPatcher, because like I said, it functions in the exact same way that the TSLPatcher functions. The difference is that, for some reason, the "new" TSLPatcher won't install new force powers and feats on my game which again, I play on Win 10 (this might be the key factot here, the OS), while the old one gets the job done. Why this happens, I don't know. Kexikus: Dude, I know what the TSLPatcher is. I might be a little stupid, but I'm not stupid enough to not be able to tell when a mod uses the TSLPatcher. xD The older installer also has the "tslpatchdata" folder where everything that must be installed, replaced or modified to make a mod work is located. That's not the point of interest here. The point of interest is the .exe you run to install the mod. I've said it a million times already and I'll say it again: It is NOT the exact same installer with just a different icon. This "earlier" version of the TSLPatcher got my force powers mods to work. The "current" TSLPatcher did not. And that's not just me saying this, it's my computer too. Still don't believe me? Download one of the mods I mentioned above (Force Exhaustion or Flamethrower, both made by Lit Ridl). Then copy the .exe installer from the mod you just downloaded, paste it inside the folder of a different mod and then try to install this mod with the "fake" installer. You will then see for yourself that it will work. Whether this has to do with magic or not, I don't know. But I bet my arse that it has to do with the OS. There's no other explanation. ... I wish someone would believe me. But if you guys are not going to believe me, I'm not going to try and convince you. That's not the reason why I started this thread anyway. Below I'm posting images of the icons of each patcher. It turns out that I was wrong when I said that each patcher has a different interface. But still, they're not the same. This is the normal TSLPatcher that we all know and love: http://m.imgur.com/1ucTchx And this is the older version of it, the one that got my force powers to work. I call it the Mint Patcher: http://m.imgur.com/5JPaOql -
The game is being a troll...
maltron66 replied to maltron66's topic in Knights of the Old Republic General
Sith Holocron: Sorry for the late reply. I'm using the GOG version of TSL... Although I don't know if that has anything to do with the craziness the game put me through before straightening up. Hassat Hunter: Mmm... I just looked that folder up. It was there, but it was empty. Like I said, I deleted everything inside the KOTOR 2 folder after the first uninstallation, including the save files. Maybe the saves located in thr folder you specified are tied to the save folder in the C:\Program Files(x86)\LucasArts\SWKOTORII\saves, which I deleted during the uninstallation the first time? DarthParamedic And I'm telling you that you can. If you asked me yesterday, I'd tell you that it's impossible, but after seeing it for myself, Im telling you: it works. And no, it's not the TSLPatcher witb a different name. If it was, I think I would notice. Look, Im telling you. This thing works just like the TSLPatcher, but it's not the same patcher! It's not the .exe named "TSLPatcher.exe" that has the size of 666KBs! It's a different one! It has a different icon and its interface is a little more old-looking (it looks like something that came straight out from Windows XP) compared to the more "stylish" look of the TSLPatcher. Do you have a mod called "Force Exhaustion", which adds 2 new force powers to the game? Or a mod named "flamethrower", which adds a new flamethrower weapon that you can equip like an armband? These 2 mods use this very installer! Ugh. Screw it. When i get home, I'll take screenshots of the icons and the interface this patcher uses. Maybe that'll help. -
The game is being a troll...
maltron66 replied to maltron66's topic in Knights of the Old Republic General
Ookay.... So the game decided to quit messing around after all. Now it works just fine... And I did not have to reinstall it again. I just started a new game, and when I leveled up my char, the custom force powers were not there. Started a new game 3 more times to make sure that it wasn't just a temporary mishap and it was confirmed-the game now works like it was supposed to. But now I'm baffled as to why the game would not work properly the other night: I started a new game, and when I got to the leveling up part, the custom force powers were there, even though it was the game was a fresh installation! And I'm 99% sure it was not an older savegame, because I remember trying some stuff with KSE on T3 in the prologue! I guess what I really had to do to fix the game was to create a thread here for no reason to make a fool out of myself... Like I said, game was trollin'. But hey, at least I can get the new force powers to work now. At least that's what I hope. So thank you to all who wasted their time for no reason bothering with this thread. xD -
The game is being a troll...
maltron66 replied to maltron66's topic in Knights of the Old Republic General
Except that the override folder does not even exist. When I uninstalled the game, I made sure to erase EVERYTHING.There's no game folder, there's nothing in there! However... When I reinstall the game, the game actually finds my previous save files, which leads me to believe that maybe NOT everything is deleted in the uninstallation process. Invisible folders, maybe? As for the savegames... When I reinstalled the game, I checked out the saves to see if the force powers were still there, and they were. Funny thing is, some of them did have the icons and the descriptions on, some did not. Ughh... After that, I deleted the old savegames and started a new one. On level up, I check if these new force powers are still there, and they are. *sigh* I'll try uninstalling and reinstalling the game once more, AFTER making sure to delete all previous savegames. If thay doesn't work, well...I dunno. I guess I'll just have to go with a messed up game. It won't look pretty, but at least it'll work. For the most part. -
Oh boy. I really hoped that I would figure this out by myself, but my TSL game does not want to cooperate. But let's take this story from the top. The first time I ever played TSL was on Windows XP. Everything worked like a charm. I then got a new PC with Win 7, tried the game on that PC, it worked flawlessly. And now, I'm playing TSL on my laptop, whose OS is Win 10. And while the game and most mods would work just fine, there were a couple of things I noticed. First off, I can't use cheats. I just can't. I've modified the game's swkotor.ini file, I've enabled cheats, but the cheats do not work. That's not such a big deal, but I'd really love to be able to warp to different modules instantly. Anyway... Second thing that doesn't work: the Whereami armband. You know, the thing that lets you get the coordinates of your character in any module? Well, I couldn't do that 24 hours ago (now I can, but that's something I'm going to explain below). I tried at least 3 different mods, but none of them would work. And lastly, there's yet another thing that doesn't work: mods that install new feats or force powers. It's insane. Every other mods I've tried work like a charm, even on Win 10. But for some reason, the aforementioned type of mods does not work on my game. But I discovered that perhaps this has to do with the TSLPatcher. You see, none of my "new force powers" mods would work, EXCEPT for one. This one, it worked like a charm. But there was a catch. This mod was NOT using the TSLPatcher. It's a different installer, which works just like the TSLPatcher, but it's not the same thing. Unfortunately, I have no idea what it's called (I've only got 2 mods that use this installer instead of the TSLPatcher, and neither of the creators of these 2 mods mentions the name of this installer. Anyway... I didn't give much thought into that for some time. Until yesterday, it dawned on me: what if I copy this installer to the force powers I want to install but don't work and then attempt to install these mods using the new installer instead of the TSLPatcher? At first I thought that this was crazy, that it wouldn't work, but IT DID! And now, all these force powers that wouldn't appear in the game before are selectable now! And one of them is a Force Power that functions just like the Whereami armband, and IT WORKS TOO! Woohoo! After seeing this, I decided to uninstall the game and then make a fresh installation, after which I could install all my previous mods plus the new force powers in the right order, because some force powers were conflicting (not because of compatibility reasons, but because I tried installing some more than once and things got a little messed up). So, I uninstall everything, reinstall the game and I'm about to start reinstalling my mods. Except one thing. The game is messing with me. Because if that's not the case, then why else would the custom force powers I had installed appear in my NEW installation? They shouldn't even be there, everything else is gone! But the custom powers are there! How is this happening? What the hell is causing it? And how do I fix it? Dear DeadlyStream community... HEEEELP!
Sorry for the late reply, guys. After checking this thread a couple of times the day I created it, I completely forgot about...xD FairStrides, I've said this once and I'll say this again: You're a lifesaver. The values you've provided are all correct (surprise, suprise...). I'm happy I decided to ask for help instead of testing values myself because I'd never find the right ones. I mean, 262144 and 524288? How'd you find these anyway? And why does this game not use the values 8 and 64, like l2daorch pointed out? If they were used in an older game, you'd think that they would be used in this one as well because... why change them? There's no reason to do that, but they did it. Anyway... One thing I noticed is that some of the other values you mentioned are found in the .utc files of some party members. By "other", I mean values that do not correspond to an item slot. Specifically, there's a struct with the value 131072 that equips an "item" named "g_i_crhide008" and it's found on several of the player's party members' templates, such as HK-47, G0-T0, T3-M4 and Mandalore, I'm not sure what it is but I don't really care, so I left it alone. I'm not really that interested in finding out what it is anyway, since I now have all I need to finish my mod. Thank you for helping out (again) and also, thanks to Kexikus for suggesting to use the Kotor Tool's .utc editor (I had completely forgotten about that, since I had been away from modding for a long time, and I always prefered the K-GFF editor over the Kotor Tool's utc editor to begin with. Regardless, it was a very helpful piece of advice, since I found out that the value for the Head/Sensor slot is 1 thanks to that) and finally, thanks to l2daorch for giving up some of his free time to bother with my thread.
The little mod I've been working on for quite some time is almost complete. It's a mod that completely changes your party's stats, items, feats... pretty much everything, except for their appearance. About two weeks ago, I made a thread asking for help on changing the amount of vitality points each character earns per level up, a problem that had kept my project on hiatus for a good amount of time. This time, I've run into a different kind of problem, which is significantly less important, but I'd still want to fix it. Each character's template can be modified so that they have specific items equipped when they spawn in the game. After poking at some .utc files, I managed to match most item slots with the values used to "identify" them in the .utc files. For example, the Head Gear/Sensor slot's value is 1, the Body/Plating slot is 2, the right weapon slot is 16 and the left weapon slot is 32. My problem is that I'm missing the value of the Implant/Utility slot. And also, I don't know how to set a character to have 2 different kinds of weapons equipped when they spawn. For example, I want to modify Mandalore's template so that he starts with his blaster rifle, but he also has a melee weapon as a secondary weapon that he can switch to whenever he feels like it. In short, I know how to set his primary weapons (slots 16 and 32), but I don't know how to set his secondary weapons (slots ??). I looked through at least 30 different .utc files, but I didn't have any luck finding what I was looking. Which makes sense for the Implant/Utility slot value (since the characters that have an item equipped on that slot are few to none), but I expected to find a character who has both a ranged and a melee weapon equipped (since almost ALL characters use both ranged and melee weapons in combat). A little help please?