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Everything posted by Butlee

  1. Hi, So I did the next part here, and got down to Iziz and completed everything there. Then I talk to the Jedi Master there and get the cinematic for the trip back to Dxun, and I get a blank screen. Upon seeing that, I did kind of cheat a little, and used that same warp 402dxn trick to get back to Dxun, and that works fine (ie, the logbook still says my quest is completed etc...), but I can't actually get off Dxun. It seems to me like my save file broke the Dxun landing part somehow. Anyway, I just thought I'd ask if you could share me another little cheap-jump-code to get me back onto the Ebon Hawk for now so I can continue my main save file. I'd really like to finish the game I'm on right now (I've never actually played Kotor II before, and I'm enjoying the story play out ), before I play a 2nd playthrough to see if I can replicate this issue. Many thanks,
  2. Wow and that totally worked, thanks! Just for my understanding and future reference, does that just jump me (manually) out of the ship in that particular part?
  3. I have tried, and no luck, but I couldn't be 100% sure the invisible console is working - I mean, it's actually invisible right? And when I type the code I don't get any recognition. Like I've mentioned, I'm a complete novice - so it's like this for me (tell me if/where I may be going wrong): > Save the ini after adding that line under Game Options. > Open the game and my save file and go to the area that gives me the blank screen. > Hit "~" and type warp 402dxn (blindly) and enter to execute the code. Anyways, that process yields nothing, And I tried doing it a couple of times before going into the new area and on the main menu screen because I didn't/don't really understand how the invis console works. I may just playthrough the game again and try to get to that part. That's the only solution I can think of to see if I find a recurring problem, or just 1 save file break. Thanks for your ideas, and if you think of anything else I'll keep an eye out in here
  4. I get a black screen after choosing party members - going from the Ebon Hawk to Dxun for the 2nd time after I get a message from Kelborn. Normally I'd say this is where the "stage loading" screen comes up, but on this particular occassion it doesn't. I'm a bit of a troubleshooting novice. I've also never played KotOR II before, so I don't know what I'm "supposed" to see. It could just be one cut-scene/movie that doesn't load... 1) As above. In real time, just yesterday (dec 13th, 2013). 2) Yes, v1.8.2 3) Fresh installation of the mod after purchasing from steam recently. 4) Don't believe so. 5) Don't believe so. 6) Only this one and M4-78EP. 7) As above. I have already visited Peragus, Telos, Korriban, Onderan/Dxun & M4-78EP, but not Nar Shadaar. On return to Dxun at Kelborns request I get this black screen. I can still travel to (for example) to Telos and enter and do sidequests and generally play as normal - but then returning to Dxun I can't get off the Ebon Hawk. 8) No, would this hamper my save? 9) Yes, with no luck. 10) Yes, and I can access all the movies and cut scenes, but I haven't yet played through a 2nd time to get back to this point (it's a considerable amount of time I've spent floundering around ). I'd be happy with some advice to troubleshoot. I'll try re-installing the mod, but is there anything else? Many thanks in advance.